Latest Research Papers In Condensed Matter Physics | (Cond-Mat.Stat-Mech) 2019-06-21
Statistical Mechanics
Effective bandwidth of non-Markovian packet traffic (1902.00477v2)
Massimo Cavallaro, Rosemary J. Harris
We demonstrate the application of recent advances in statistical mechanics to a problem in telecommunication engineering: the assessment of the quality of a communication channel in terms of rare and extreme events. In particular, we discuss non-Markovian models for telecommunication traffic in continuous time and deploy the "cloning" procedure of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics to efficiently compute their effective bandwidths. The cloning method allows us to evaluate the performance of a traffic protocol even in the absence of analytical results, which are often hard to obtain when the dynamics are non-Markovian.
Probing Out-of-Time-Order Correlators (1807.09731v6)
Soumyadeep Chaudhuri, R. Loganayagam
We present a method to probe the Out-of-Time-Order Correlators (OTOCs) of a general system by coupling it to a harmonic oscillator probe. When the system's degrees of freedom are traced out, the OTOCs imprint themselves on the generalized influence functional of the oscillator. This generalized influence functional leads to a local effective action for the probe whose couplings encode OTOCs of the system. We study the structural features of this effective action and the constraints on the couplings from microscopic unitarity. We comment on how the OTOCs of the system appear in the OTOCs of the probe.
Entanglement Entropy in Generalised Quantum Lifshitz Models (1906.08252v1)
J. Angel-Ramelli, V. Giangreco M. Puletti, L. Thorlacius
We compute universal finite corrections to entanglement entropy for generalised quantum Lifshitz models in arbitrary odd spacetime dimensions. These are generalised free field theories with Lifshitz scaling symmetry, where the dynamical critical exponent equals the number of spatial dimensions , and which generalise the 2+1-dimensional quantum Lifshitz model to higher dimensions. We analyse two cases: one where the spatial manifold is a -dimensional sphere and the entanglement entropy is evaluated for a hemisphere, and another where a -dimensional flat torus is divided into two cylinders. In both examples the finite universal terms in the entanglement entropy are scale invariant and depend on the compactification radius of the scalar field.
Capturing strong correlations in spin, electron and local moment systems (1906.08251v1)
Eoin Quinn
We address the question of identifying degrees of freedom for quantum systems. Typically, quasi-particle descriptions of correlated matter are based upon the canonical algebras of bosons or fermions. Here we highlight that a special class of non-canonical algebras also offer useful quantum degrees of freedom, allowing for the development of quasi-particle descriptions which go beyond the weakly correlated paradigm. We give a broad overview of such algebras for spin, electron and local moment systems, and outline important test problems upon which to develop the framework.
Thermodynamics of weakly coherent collisional models (1906.08203v1)
Franklin L. S. Rodrigues, Gabriele De Chiara, Mauro Paternostro, Gabriel T. Landi
We introduce the idea of weakly coherent collisional models, where the elements of an environment interacting with a system of interest are prepared in states that are approximately thermal, but have an amount of coherence proportional to a short system-environment interaction time in a scenario akin to well-known collisional models. We show that, in the continuous-time limit, the model allows for a clear formulation of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, which are modified to include a non-trivial contribution related to quantum coherence. Remarkably, we derive a bound showing that the degree of such coherence in the state of the elements of the environment represents a resource, which can be consumed to convert heat into an ordered (unitary-like) energy term in the system, even though no work is performed in the global dynamics. Our results therefore represent an instance where thermodynamics can be extended beyond thermal systems, opening the way for combining classical and quantum resources.
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