The Evolution of Smart Homes

in Project HOPE2 months ago

Smart home technology is revolutionizing people’s everyday lives and adding comfort, protection, and power conservation to a home. The devices of new generation homes are interrelated to be governed via applications and also they can work via the voice command such as Alexa or Google Assistant.


Ranging from automated thermostats that can regulate the amount of electricity used to security cameras that can identify human faces these gadgets make homes intelligent. Smart lighting and appliances are self-controlled, thereby are time-saving and cost effective; smart fridges can recommend dishes that can be prepared out of the available products.

Thanks to IoT (Internet of Things), smart home has progressively increased in popularity and has become more adaptable. But to the emergence of these technologies, the problem of protection of personal information and cybersecurity are still relevant.

All the same, the odds are that smart homes are quickly transforming the creations into the new standard of living as we see technology becoming more of a reference point towards our future living standards in terms of comfort and sustainability.

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Technology have makes a whole lot of things better in our society and one if it is making our home a smart home