Travel All Arround Middle Aceh

in #travel7 years ago (edited)
about 4 months ago, I holiday with friends to Takengon, we plan to harvest durian and coffee there belongs to a friend. we left on a motorbike from the city of Lhokseumawe, around 08.00. the distance from the town lhokseumawe to takengon not far away about 103 km, we traveled for 2 hours 48 minutes.
Sekitar 4 bulan yang lalu, saya libur bersama teman-teman untuk takengon, kami berencana panen durian dan kopi ada milik teman. Kami berangkat dengan sepeda motor dari kota Lhokseumawe sekitar pukul 08.00. Jarak dari kota lhokseumawe ke takengon tak jauh dari sekitar 103 km, kami menempuh perjalanan 2 jam 48 menit.


when we got there we stayed at a friend's house in Enang-Enang precisely, the cold temperatures there make me feel comfortable there, the temperature is about 24 degrees celcius when day, and 20 celcius at night, when we got there we stayed at a friend's house in Enang-Enang precisely, the cold temperatures there make me feel at home, the temperature is about 24 degree celcius during the day, and 20 celcius at night, the next morning we go to the coffee garden which is behind the house where we staying overnight, the distance is about 300 meters back we took by using a motorcycle, the road is wet and muddy we have to ride down the motorcycle and push our motorcycle.
sesampainya disana kami menginap di rumah seorang teman di Enang-Enang tepatnya, suhu disana yang dingin membuat saya betah disana, suhunya sekitar 24 derajat celcius dikala siang, dan 20 celcius dikala malam, keesokan paginya kami ke kebun kopi yang terletak di belakang rumah tempat kami menginap semalam, jarak nya sekitar 300 meter ke belakang kami tempuh dengan menggunakan sepeda motor, jalan yang basah dan berlumpur membuat kami harus naik turun sepeda motor dan mendorong sepeda motor kami.

almost 20 minutes drive to the coffee garden, the end we arrived, I see a vast expanse of coffee plantations there, I picked the coffee from the stems to the stem it's great I'm so glad this coffee is still dewy
hampir 20 menit perjalanan ke kebun kopi, akhir nya kami sampai, saya lihat hamparan kebun kopi yang amat luas disana, saya petik buah kopi dari batang ke batang rasanya saya senang sekali apalagi kopi ini masih berembun
Not far from the coffee garden, there is also a durian garden owned by a friend the durian in height about 2 meters from the ground, so can we kiss already cook what has not
Tak jauh dari kebun kopi, disana juga ada kebun durian milik seorang teman durian nnya di ketinngian sekitar 2 meter dari permukaan tanah, jadi bisa kita cium udah masak apa belum.
not long after we heard the sound of the falling durian "BOOM" we went to the sound source of the sound source to check the durian. we see there is durian 1 in the land I take for the "split the durian" if the Indonesians say (meaning a bit dirty)
tak berapa lama kemudian terdengar suara durian jatuh "BOOM" kami pergi ke sumber suara sumber suara untuk mengecek durian tersebut. kami lihat ada durian 1 di tanah saya ambil untuk di belah" belah durian"kalau orang indonesia bilang ( artinya agak jorok sih)
already satisfied to eat durian are satisfied drinking it, our next plan to "Pantan terong" where the scenery that said beautiful people, where the picture is cool. we traveled from Enang-Enang to the ePantan Terong about 45 minutes, before entering to Pantan Terong we pay the first entry money about IDR 15.000 ($ 1.15) wow gradually increasingly rising the entry money. after entering there we take pictures photos.
sudah puas makan duriannya sudah puas minum minumnya, rencana selanjutnya kami ke "pantan Terong" tempat pemandangan yang kata orang indah, tempat berfoto yang keren. kami menempuh perjalanan dari Enang- Enang ke pantan terong sekitar 45 menit, sebelum masuk ke pantan terong nya bayar uang masuk dulu IDR 15.000 ( $ 1,15) wow lama kelamaan makin naik aja nih uang masuk nya. setelah masuk kesana kami berfoto liat nih foto nya.

after that we are around the sea fresh lake, it takes around 1 hour, like other alay people we take pictures also here

setelah itu kami keliling danau laut tawar, ternyata mengelilinginya butuh waktu 1 jam ,seperti orang alay lainnya kami berfoto juga disini

so long ago the story this time, hopefully you like my post bye.....

sekian dulu ya cerita kali ini, semoga kalian suka postingan saya bye....

style of writing @levycore

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