"Freelancing" overnight is not the shortcut road to the rich!

in #busy7 years ago

When you start freelancing, you are from that day, you do not have any obstacles in the job You are independent and your improvement on your skills. Freelancing is a revolution, a new way to elevate itself into the modern era. Many years ago, the art of art has been developed in England many years ago, but today's new generation remembers the day. From now on, many years later generations will remember the same freelancing revolution. The year 2011-2012 is a golden era for Bangladesh in freelancing. Most people of Bangladesh freelancing money for the money, I do not know whether there is any second thought in their mind. But many people call it money as the simple way of income.

Let's go back to Bangladesh 10 years ago, how many computers have been in Bangladesh? Hundreds in hand? Or more / less Then, in the mind of the youth society, after completing the study, we will do a good job. Someone doctor was an engineer Sometimes it would have been a good day to do a small job. So the question of the young people of 2012? Doctor / engineer money and money income? Nakhi anything else? The more we go to technology, the more we are going to be sorted. Work, travel or recreation. But if you work in a multinational company, will you enjoy recreation time? 8am to 5pm market before going home to rest? Impossible If you do not hear the neck of a boss, what is that job? At the end of the month of the office manager's room will take a payday without guragiri? Impossible.
Do you want to sit at home and sip in the hot cop and do not eat the boss and do the office? Or in the morning to work in the morning to spend time in the park? Any day of the week to go traveling with family? Please come in freelancing if you want to. Good thing, come to this way about hearing comfortably? What do you do? What are your qualifications? Bikam / MBA or doctor? Do you want to sit online? You have to kill the disease. So first of all you need to know what is the work area.
I will ask you five questions before coming this way, ask yourself the question before you answer: -

  1. Why am I going to go freelancing away from current job?
  2. Is it my right time for freelancing?
  3. Am i careful of my current occupation?
  4. Can I catch myself what's wrong ?
  5. I can act as a freelancer?

    Why am I going to go freelancing away from current job? :
    In your present occupation, your salary is low, not promoted, there is no future opportunity for promotion, I am not interested in this profession, I can not follow the rules of the office. If this is your answer then you have made the right decision. Welcome to freelancing.
    Is it my right time for freelancing?
    Everything has an age / time, the probability of succeeding will be reduced after it is not in the right place at the right time. Look at yourself, if you are able to adapt to the fact that freelancing you leave the current profession. If you are a student or a newly passed young man, then in a word I would like to start this way.
    It takes a reasonable time for every person to get a job / job, if you bring an Intermediate examiner into this profession, then dreaming about being bigger will be a sin. So when you can not come to freelancing. Then choose a suitable time. When you feel ready to work yourself mentally, then come.
    Am i careful of my current occupation?
    Due to the fact that you are currently a bank officer, do you freelancing by leaving the bank's job to run a little independently? Do not take the wrong decision because your skills are not in the calculation of anything else. You respect your current profession, and the job is simple but cheap for you, so will you go to freelancing for more income? The money is the next thing you are not able to do. So I will say that you can do the work well, even if it is less or less than the money you pay.
    Can I catch myself what's wrong?

    It is sure to make 2/4 mistakes in this profession, but if you work at home, are you ready to correct your mistakes? If you can not catch your own mistakes, then this job may be a little risky for you. Those who make mistakes after making mistakes, but for them, this job is good.
    I can act as a freelancer?
    In the office, you are late for the boss to come late, but if this behavior does not go away from you, then flirting will not be good for you. Because the people live here on personality and skill. Therefore, leave the bad habit.
    Flilancing without the degree?
    If you get a degree, you are welcome, now you do not have the chance to do the same, and start 10 days after starting the bank and then own 10 billion. Now if the situation is not going on the right track, then 10 billion will not be able to own 10 billion business. For those who do not have education, this profession is impossible, if God does not give you any special knowledge, then this profession is not suitable for you. Because here you have to appear in a different society, with whom you are completely unfamiliar. So I will say, before you get education and then come back to the profession. What are the qualifications you need to come to this profession? First of all you have to achieve school / college / university education. It may be educated in your hands or learning to memorize books, but you have to take education.
    The second thing is to learn about the work you want to do in the Flilancing profession. If it is painting or web development then you have to be educated about that. But I'm not saying just about the bigger certificates of the reputable institution, but I can not be an institution, but I request you to come to this profession by learning.
    My room mates earn 20 thousand rupees every month, will I join him? :
    Suppose you have honors in English and English knows much better. Your friend honors in marketing or accounting science. Now you do a college education service in English. And your friend is a stock market business. You asked them to start trading their shares with your deposit, and invested Tk 1 lakh in the stock market. You lost 1 million rupees for 1 month, and you stayed with the staff in front of the stock market. All of your ideas are in the stock market.
    But the real thing is that you do not know how to manage a share business, you do not even know whether to take the word out. Because you do not have any idea about the stock market, you are very good in English, so you do not have to be profitable in the stock market. Your friend is able to get shares in the stock market because he understands a lot about the stock market, because he is educated about this. So do not be afraid to see others in his profession, do whatever you like. If you want to change your occupation, then be aware of that career, take training. Do not get in the way, without knowing it, do not direct yourself there. If you want to take Freelancing as a career, then get the news on freelancing before you get the advice from the experts.
    What will I do by freelancing physics student?

    What is the student you are not interested in. The real thing is that you are interested and skilled. If you are a Physics student, but you are very interested in the IT sector, I would say that you can also come to this profession.
    Because of your success, because you are interested in this profession. But the first thing is that you need to get the proper education and then enter freelancing.
    I want to be a professional in the business of flilancing, but how?
  6. Always learn to think yourself professionally: You think that you are not unemployed, do not call her job / job only if she is sitting in the office. Think of you all the time that you are a professional and you have a respectable job.
  7. Do not seek advice from all sources: Do not accept all the talk that we hear every day or what you hear in different papers or in the public meeting.
    Accept good after ensuring good and bad difference. Some say / write a lot of things in their interest in the newspaper, but all of them are not positive.
  8. Get help from family and friends
  9. Fix a time, how long will it be in this profession: Minimum 3 or 5 years, initially decide that you will do the freelancing for the next 5 years.
  10. Do not accept all offers: You will get many offers when you are in good positions, so do not accept all, leave some offers and take any of the best opportunities you choose. Because you get involved in small and less profitable work, you will not be able to receive or have a chance if you get a good offer.
  11. Do the job that you can do: Freelancing is a lot of work, do whatever you like, always do the job, do not change work again, in which you will not be able to achieve that much skill.

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Need Promotion? Before you do this:

  1. It is not neglectful of responsibility: someone has hired you to do one thing, but he did not get you the time, but the promotion will be a demotion?
    So be careful about work and time.
  2. Select jobs; Make sure you have a clear idea about what the client has done for you, and whether you can do that work.
  3. Do not fret because people do not work: people will not shy before completing any work.
  4. How much you have the ability to carry: Work with the guesswork on how much you can do at one time, do not overload it. There is no work to finish in time.
    How much is my job worth ?
    How much money can I ask the client for the work I do?
  5. Do not diminish the value of the job as you feel unworthy
  6. You can do the job alone with someone else, but justify the money as he does
  7. Do not think that people are lucky to do good things at a low price
  8. Do not do any work at a very low price in hopes of getting more work in the near future.
  9. Do not ask a client to be fooled by a great amount of work.
  10. Never give a discount to your needs
    The debate that often goes to work:
    Which can tell you the client-
    "We are already spending a lot of money for this work."
    That means the client wants to tell you that the work they want to take for you, they have already done it to someone else, and spent a lot of money.
    "Our former employees have worked at half the price of the money you are demanding"
    Now when you ask for a sum of money from your client, he will tell you that before that they worked very cheaply.
    "We have a chance to work here for a long time"
    Greed is being shown that if you take some money they will keep you in their work for a long time
    "Want to see your past work sample"
    They would like to see some of your most recently completed work samples to get ideas about whether you can do their job.
    "You have to work with us on time"
    If you want to stay in the country you want the client to get the job, so you will have a time schedule.
    "You are the first, whom I have hired myself"
    That means the client wants to say that, you may have liked or seem to be worthy of it.
    "Go ahead with your assessment of your work"
    Now you have been given a process of continuing to work with them in advance.
    The client is angry! what will you do ?

    Find out exactly what ANGER's full form is
    A = Acknowledge = acknowledgment
    N = Nod = Nod
    G = Guide = Guide
    E = Execute = Editing
    R = Retreat = Retreat
    It does not matter if your client is angry, it does not matter what you think about the client. The real thing is how you handle it. Now you were angry ? One solution is to sit quietly, no talk
    Learn some of the same work related tasks
    Suppose you are a doctor, you cut a person's stomach and performed his tumor, cut in his stomach and saw that he had kidney problems and problems, now what do you do? He will solve his tumor problem and stitch his stomach and take another doctor and cut his stomach again. Kidney problem to solve? How many stitches to the stomach ? What will the patient live? If you had any idea about kidney, then you could have solved two problems in this operation.
    Why are these examples:
    Suppose you introduce yourself to a Wordpress / Joomla Expert or think. If you have your client say that you add me a similar feature in the site. then what will you do ? That means you are not web-friendly when you know WordPress or Joomla. You have to take advantage of other tasks as well. To be a web developer you need to know about plain coding, CMS, and secrecy.
    Those who need money every moment will not come to this profession:
    Freelancing is not a profession whose future will not be able to tell anyone, no one knows what is going to be the most popular today and the demand is in the future. It does not have to work every day but it is such a free profession so you will not always get the job here. It can be sijanal and say, there are many competitors here so you have to build. Those who require a certain amount of money in the entire month should not be in this profession. You can not be sure that at the beginning of the month there will be katakaka income at the beginning of the month. In that case, you should have your job / job according to your needs and so that your budget is fixed. Those who want to have a minimum amount of money (need) in the month to run the family, they do not come to this profession and work on demand somewhere. I tell them that there is no one who can give back their people. Because in which month you will earn a lot of money and there will be no income for a few months, in case you are in danger. However, if you want to take freelancing as an optional option, you will not have any other racks.
    Everyone in the blog / newspaper is freelancing easy, but you are uncertain!
    I did not come to you to put a quote tie in front of you, or my PS wrote me a penny on a special note of being a great devotee. What I say and write is life oriented, and from my own experience. We are not writing any successful story in Bengali, we have always been sitting on the Internet to find successful stories, so we can not find the problems. About 10 percent of the people are successful, and 90 percent of the people are disadvantaged, because they look in the sky and walk in the middle of the ground, and if you want to succeed then you have to go on the right track.
    Everyone says to be rich, but nobody shows the right way to be rich

    Blog / Newspaper / Family / Friends said nobody can make you rich, nobody knows how to be rich. People slowly become wealthy in the eyes of one day, but do not need to count on how much you have to overcome. If you want to be big in life, do not think that he has done a great crime. He has put the thought of becoming a big man in your head. . Brother I want to earn online, want to earn income: My brothers, I request you that those who want to earn income at home, first take training on a specific topic. Remember that if he is skilled he has his work somewhere and there is no place for him if not efficient.
    Get rich by earning online!
    Often some of the headlines of this type of writing are noticed, really making money is so easy? There is no shortcut road (over the road) overnight. (Freelancing is a timely profession, you have the opportunity to promote yourself here, but if you go to a good position you will have to pay a lot of physical labor. It will not be talked that today's freelance will become rich by tomorrow. When you do a job when you are going to be skilled in that work then your promotion. Do not believe in other words and then decide on your own.
    Everyone used to come to freelancing profession, why am I talking negatively?
    There is a lot of hard truth in the world. There is a bad aspect of all, even though the problems of this profession are not bad at all, it is also better to drink poison after knowing.
    Moderation panel of Bangla technology blogs has to be more responsible. In order to freelancing anyone does not publish without writing a wrong interpretation. Many people show the way to earn money overnight, like the PTC or Facebook Like Job. Actually there is no guarantee of all these jobs. So we ask for the verification of freelancing articles well.
    It's not just the good things I'm talking about. Only personal opinion is present in front of you. That's the best thing I can do to get something important from my writing. Accept if there is something good in my writing and exclude what you do not agree with.