Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

Hello all,

This is my first post in the Hindwhale Community, and this is my entry for the contest, Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?, organized by @hindwhale.

As elders, we are often curious about what's more important for our kids during their growing years – playing or studying. I have mixed feelings about this topic since studying and playing are equally crucial for children's brain development.


Importance of Studying and Playing

According to my view, both studying and playing are equally important for students.

Let's start with play – it's not just fun and games. Children who engage in the play learn essential skills like creativity, social interaction, and problem-solving. Most importantly, they learn social skills such as teamwork and leadership. It is a great way to relax their mind and body. Also, playing is essential for students to improve their brain memory.

Academic knowledge equips our kids with the tools they need to understand the complexities of life, think critically, and pursue their passions. Without a solid educational foundation, it's hard for them to develop their brain well. Through a good education, students can find their best career path in the future.

Are today's children lagging in studies and sports?

Unfortunately, with easy access to modern technology, they can easily get lost because of digital distractions. This can lead to them falling behind in their studies and physical activities like sports since their time is highly replaced with this time at screens.

Is online education useful to your children?

Online education is a game-changer, offering flexibility and convenience like never before. But in my view, most of the children's education, whose ages are below 12, can be done through physical means. When children grow and access more knowledge, they can use online education to develop their knowledge. After the age of 16, students can also use online education to improve their knowledge, which also helps improve brain development.

As parents, it's up to us to find the right balance. We must encourage our kids to play, explore, and learn online and offline. However, from my perspective, we should be able to find the best methods to improve our students' brains and reach their maximum capabilities since all children have different learning patterns and life skills.

Thank you all for reading my post. Let's meet again soon with another post.

I invite @tanmayr, @jaynie, and @letssittt to participate in this contest.


According to your view, both studying and playing are equally important for students. Yes I completely agree with your views. I believe that these days kids are more smart and genius than that before, because today kids have too much facilities. I don't like online classes of the situation is normal.

Wish you good luck in the contest friend.


Efectivamente la educación brinda herramientas necesarias y primordial para el desarrollo y progreso de nuestros niños al igual que juegos, por ello como padres debemos de mantener el equilibrio entre ambos.. estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo con que la educación en línea podría ser más útil en niños dependiendo de la edad pero nada como la educación presencial.. te deseo muchos éxitos en el desafío 🤗


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