The Week In Preview: General Astrology Forecast For February 23-28

in #astrology7 years ago

Hello, readers, and welcome back to another installment of The Week In Preview. Last week we had a Solar Eclipse in Aquarius - almost exactly opposite the Great American Eclipse - and a major American hot-button issue came back into light in the form of a mass school shooting that took 17 lives and not only reignited the American culture wars, but it immediately triggered a youth movement. In addition, Russiagate reached another milestone as an avalanche of indictments were filed by Robert Mueller.

This week, we remain in "Eclipse Season", as we will until the next New Moon, on March 17 in Pisces. Therefore, events surrounding the Eclipse will reverberate on and off for the next few weeks.

Despite this, we should find this week slightly more tranquil. That is, once we survive the multiple squares that the Moon makes on the 23rd! Besides the fleeting irritations that come with the First Quarter Moon, the Gemini Moon squares Mercury, Neptune, and Venus, all in Pisces. What happens today, is that all of the dreamy Pisces energy that we've been experiencing is challenged by the factual part of our reality. In other words, this Friday we may be forced to see where we are deluding ourselves, though keep in mind that these are lunar aspects, whose influences last only a matter of hours. So, try to keep this day in perspective. At the worst, it'll amount to a handful of annoyances.

The weekend, especially Sunday, has a lot of celestial action going on. starting with a square between Venus and Mars. Yes, this is one of those battle-of-the-sexes sort of aspects, but it doesn't have to be all challenges and irritations. Squares can represent turning points, so couples trying to reignite a spark may actually be able to do so under an aspect like this.

At the same time, Mercury will be making a conjunction with Neptune, another aspect where how it works really depends on what we do with it. I personally like to use this for some creative writing, for example. The other side of the coin is, as I often mention, spin. This is where we'll need to put on the high boots to listen to politicians, and in light of events surrounding the eclipse, it really looks like people might be able to cut through the sh...I mean, order to get to the truth. Try to keep that in mind if the pundits and other talking heads are on your screen this weekend.

Of course, with the Sun and Saturn also sextile, we might find ourselves making time to do routine tasks, which at this point is probably better than whatever the endless news loop will be about.

By the beginning of the work week, we'll notice that Mercury and Venus are starting to get very close together in the zodiac, making aspects to planets a day or so apart. In fact, the two planets meet up at the end of Pisces on March 4, and as Mercury begins his slowdown to station retrograde on the 22nd, he will be running neck and neck with Venus for the better part of March, making another conjunction on the 19th, and remaining within a three degree orb for the duration.

This is a great combination, as it adds charm to our words and softens our thoughts. We will notice this even more as the two aspect other planets together.

Venus forms a sextile with Pluto on the 27th, followed by Mercury a day later. Meanwhile, Mercury squares Mars on the same day of his sextile with Pluto (the latter two being semisextile). Now, even with the presence of sweet and lovely Venus, I'm still going to designate the 27th-29th as Watch Your Words days...unless, of course, you want to try throwing subtle shade, Dynasty style. When Mercury squares Mars with Venus so close by to Mercury, communications may have a Dominique Devereaux feel to them.

This champagne was obviously frozen in the bottle at some point.

All joking aside, we'll still need to watch it...Mercury and Venus are also sextile Pluto during February 2018's last days, and while I'd say that the sextile would lean towards healing words rather than fighting words, Mars is still involved. Plus, our words will be carrying more weight and deeper meaning than usual.

And that is it for this installment of The Week In Preview. However, I want to leave you on a positive note: that Mercury-Venus conjunction will be harmonizing with Jupiter around the time of the March 1 Full Moon, and we'll be feeling it by the end of this forecast period. For more details, check out my daily forecasts and stay tuned for The Week In Preview's next entry.

Until then, may your week be filled with love and light.

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This was authored by me, and originally posted on

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