Chickens are friends not food 🐣🐓💛 // Los pollitos son amigos, no comida 🐣🐓💛
Hens and chickens
💛 Hens cackle to their chicks when they are still inside the eggs.
💛 Chicks answer to their mother from inside the shell.
💛Hens are excelent mothers, they can even spend long periods of time without food or water to protect their chicks from predators.
💛 When chicks learn something new they are able to transmit that knowledge, that means that they have what scientists call "culture".
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Upvoted and following. Chickens are treated so poorly on factory farms.
Yes they are 😪 Thank you! 💙
Que bueno me llamo la atención tu post y es verdad lo que dices son nuestros hermanos menores no comida,los vegetales son la mejor comida para los seres humanos y para ellos también...los pollitos
¡Totalmente! La tierra nos da todos los nutrientes que necesitamos 💛 ¡Qué lindo que los llames hermanos menores! 😍🐣