Updates for 2PM Thursday 02-04-2020

in #hive5 years ago

Latest from https://twitter.com/ausbitbank

02/04/20 11:07 47 AM
The #steem blockchain becoming more #centralized every day. The network seed nodes now defaults to 54% of Steemit inc. (aka Justin Sun / Tron Foundation) controlled nodes.

https://github.com/steemit/steem/pull/3628/files#diff-355c96daff17108731e86a5b13ea8cfd … pic.twitter.com/n90UFPc0da

01/04/20 07:07 17 PM Retweet: Heres the letter itself: https://swprs.org/open-letter-from-professor-sucharit-bhakdi-to-german-chancellor-dr-angela-merkel/
02/04/20 09:09 31 AM Retweet: Humans: it's complicated. https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2020/04/humanitys-origin-story-just-got-more-complicated/
01/04/20 10:00 03 PM Retweet: O.J. Simpson Convinced Carole Baskin Killed Her Husband, 'Tiger Sashimi' http://dlvr.it/RT0Bt7
02/04/20 08:20 04 AM Retweet: The High Court’s swift judgment in the case of George Pell has fuelled expectations that he could walk free from jail before Easter. http://ow.ly/wcMP50z2Ujx #pell
01/04/20 11:39 02 PM Retweet: Very informative thread. Explains why NY’s Covid 19 fatality numbers are inflated. They dont’t distinguish between those who die with the disease and those who die from it. https://twitter.com/adamscrabble/status/1245378516721549322
01/04/20 09:20 53 AM Retweet: When using Zoom be aware that every conference is automatically monitored by NSA and its Five Eyes partners and stored on their joint spy cloud forever.

Zoom, like all US tech companies, is forced to comply with national security letters legally demanding backdoors for spies.

02/04/20 02:04 22 AM Retweet: Judgment will be delivered in Pell v The Queen at 10 am on 7 April 2020 in Brisbane
31/03/20 06:34 08 PM Retweet: @cameronks it behaves like HAPE because hypoxia is FIRST. Hemoglobin is being deoxygenated by the virus FIRST and the lungs respond as if they are hypoxic (vasoc > pulm htn etc). @emcrit @PulmCrit @EMNerd_ https://chemrxiv.org/articles/COVID-19_Disease_ORF8_and_Surface_Glycoprotein_Inhibit_Heme_Metabolism_by_Binding_to_Porphyrin/11938173
01/04/20 01:46 50 PM Retweet: "It doesn't take an expert to understand that the prison environment is the worst environment such as #COVID19." #Assange is on remand in Belmarsh prison & his health is at increased risk from #coronavirus. @khrafnsson #FreeAssange https://dontextraditeassange.com/mp/ https://www.change.org/p/release-julian-assange-from-belmarsh-prison-before-covid-19-spreads … pic.twitter.com/yWsUofy8d2
01/04/20 01:15 39 PM Retweet: 5G masts in Leytonstone London thrown up during corona lockdown. Why are these things dressed like candy canes??? And why do I know 5 people alone who complained of severe headaches yesterday “like my brain is frazzling”??? @IPOT1776 @StormIsUponUs @Inevitable_ET pic.twitter.com/Z7bYBySSAx
02/04/20 05:40 50 AM Retweet: MSP and PALnet updates for #hive! https://peakd.com/hive-110490/@minnowsupport/minnowsupport-and-palcoin-updates
02/04/20 12:40 58 AM Retweet: #SaveAssangeCovid19

' Belmarsh Prison repeatedly criticized since 2005 for not having adequate anti infection precautions in place"

Save my son from 'COVID19 before its too late..

*Political Prisoner
*Chronic lung condition https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-04-01-at-risk-from-coronavirus-julian-assange-is-one-of-just-two-inmates-in-belmarsh-maximum-security-prison-held-for-skipping-bail/

31/03/20 07:15 11 AM Retweet: My analysis of the latest US #COVID-19 data from Mar 30, 2020 (07:44 MT). Results clearly show an emerging STRANGE politically-driven pattern: The virus PREFERENTIALLY spreads into states dominated by Democrats or governed by a Democrat Governor.

How can we explain this? pic.twitter.com/WfKQSjQZ7F

31/03/20 02:25 31 PM Retweet: Free Assange “In the face of strengthening calls for action by human rights groups and a prisons watchdog, Downing Street has signalled that some ‘vulnerable’ prisoners could be set free for a time to protect them.” https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/30/calls-release-prisoners-55-test-positive-coronavirus-12480380/
01/04/20 11:02 10 PM Retweet: There is no better time to try out alternative media platforms! #3Speak has many voices that were censored on other platforms!

People who fight to speak the truth are the people we want to support.

Stick it to #Youtube by turning the other cheek & supporting other platforms!

01/04/20 11:24 30 PM Retweet: Hive is...

Ninja Mined.. anything
Fast & Feeless Transactions
Decentralized Development Fund
Thriving Ecosystem
Battle Tested Technology
A Community That Wont Be Stopped

And we are just getting started.

#hive $HIVE

01/04/20 10:59 23 PM Retweet: How do we ever get through to the masses when all we ever talk about is crypto, finances, taxes, government and money?

Everything the average Joe and Jane doesn't understand and has no interest in?

#crypto #bitcoin #hive

01/04/20 04:27 29 AM Retweet: At this time, Banjo has 5% of the support needed to receive funding on the Decentralized #HIVE Fund. I can use your support. For details, see: https://peakd.com/me/proposals/87
01/04/20 01:37 21 AM Retweet: So, this came out today from the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6913e2-H.pdf … We tried to calculate risk for smokers (14% of the U.S. adult population) and then saw that smokers were only *1.3%* of reported infections. Assuming infections are random, smokers seem less likely to get infected. pic.twitter.com/mtLfUGBTXh

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