Achievement 3 by @austinmudi task: Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit Family,

In this content, I will be emphasizing only on what plagiarism is all about, content etiquette and the types of plagiarism, reasons for plagiarism, and how to avoid plagiarism. Please I urge every steemians to make out time to read carefully every thing to know about plagiarism and you will learn alot about it.

You will have the essential knowledge on plagiarism and also the steem Community etiquette.

On this note, every steemians are merely entitled to supply original content from their brain and in their own way of understanding it so as to urge rewarded by steem blockchain. So you are adviced to cite any work you copied online.

Understanding Plagiarism?

Plagiarism could be seen in different ways based on the subject under discuss. For the purpose of Steemit, plagiarism means presenting some one else's work as your own. It's also the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
To avoid plagiarism, it's important to keep track of your sources and cite them correctly.

Types of Plagiarism

There are many types of plagiarism, but for the purpose of Steemit , we will be looking at six types of plagiarism

(1) Global Plagiarism:

Presenting and entire text by someone else as your own work or post.

(2) Paraphrasing Plagiarism.

This has to do with rephrasing some one else's ideas without citation.

(3) Verbatim Plagiarism.

This is directly copying a passage of text without citation.

(4) Mosaic Plagiarism.

It is a process of combining text and ideas from different sources without citation.

(5) Self Plagiarism.

This is the act of reusing passages and ideas from your own previous submitted work or post.

(6) Direct Plagiarism

This is the type plagiarism you copy someones work, word-for-word without attribution and without quotation marks. "The deliberate plagiarism of someone else's work is unethical, academically dishonest, and grounds for disciplinary actions, including expulsion." Source</


After all, it's not just the unethical who commit plagiarism. Great people plagiarized too. It isn't just the incompetent that plagiarize, Smart people plagiarize as well.
So, with that in mind, let's take a look at 5 common reasons for plagiarize and how we can stop it.

1: Lack of Confidence.

Of all the reasons for commiting plagiarism, this one seems to come up the most consistently, especially in academic environments.

When a writer doesn't feel as if they are up to the task they are given, they are often tempted to steal. typically they take from those they idolize or see as more talented.

2: Lack of Time.

This one is a singular problem with two causes.

First, it might be the author's fault, through poor time management or lack of focus, they might find themselves in a situation
Where they don't have enough time to finish a task.

Second, it could be the fault of the person who assigned the writing. Over loading author's or people to the point that, even with perfect time management, there is little no way they can complete the task ethically.

3: Don't Care / Laziness

This one is the difficult one for educators and editors alike but some writers simply do not care about the task at hand or are other wise not motivated to complete it.

Whether they think it pointless or merely beneath them personally, when an author's does not take an assignment seriously, the odd that they will simply submit the works of another as their own increases.

Simply put, when authors see the value in a work, their work ethic improve and they are much less likely to plagiarize.

4: Don't Think They'll Get Caught.

Due to advancing technology, this one is a diminishing reason but it's lingers . Many plagiarize simply because they can and they feel like they won't get caught.

The logic here is pretty straightforward, why spend the time and effort to complete a project if you can plagiarize it with little to no risk? Many people plagiarize simply because they can and that's the end of it.

5: They Made a Mistake.

This one is by far the least common, but it does happen. Whether through poor paraphrasing, lost citations or some other means, mistake do happen.

To be clear, plagiarism that result from an error does not look like malicious plagiarism. It's usually deals more with inadequate attribution than no attribution and is generally smaller in nature.


When plagiarism are confronted with their misdeeds, they tend to give a lot of excuses for their actions. However,get past those excuses, the reasons tend to to be pretty similar too little time , too little care, too much pressure.


Fortunately, it's not all scary. Avoiding plagiarism it's actually easy to do now that you have a foundational understanding of what it is. To help you steer clear
Of this taboo, here's how to avoid plagiarism in your writting.

1: City Your Source.

When alluding to an idea or wording that is not your own, add a citation in your writting that identifies the full name of the source, the date it was published, and any other citation element that requires by the style guide you are adhering to.

2: Include Quotations.

If you insert a sources word into your writting, verbatim, one of the most simple yet obvious ways to avoid plagiarism is by using quotation marks around the text to denote that the words are not your own. A direct quite should also cite the source so that readers know who the quit is from.

3: Paraphrase.

Paraphrasing is rewriting a source's ideas or information into your own words, without changing it's meaning . But be careful --- paraphrasing can slip into plagiarism if done incorrectly.

Successful paraphrasing without plagiarism, involves a bit of a dance. Reword and format your writting in an original way, and try to avoid using too many similar words or phrase from the source. The key is to do so without altering the meaning of the idea itself. Remember,you are still using another's idea so you will include a citation to the source.

4: Present Your Own Ideas.

Instead of parroting the source ideas or words, explore what you have to say about it. Ask your self what unique perspective or point you can contribute in your writting that's entirely your own . Keep in mind that if you are alluding to a source's ideas or words to frame your own point, you will still need to apply the guidelines above to avoid plagiarizing.

If you are writting on the same topic for multiple assignments, it can be tempting to recycle some of your previous works,this is called self plagiarism", The risk involve in self plagiarism is just as high if the publisher or your instructor didn't give you permission to reuse your old work.

5: Use a Plagiarism Checker.

While conducting your research on a topic, some phrase or sentences might stick with you so well that you inadvertently include them in your writting without a citation. When in doubt, using an online plagiarism checking tool can help you catch these issues before submitting your work.

I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and will try my possible best to obey and follow the Constitution!"

Citation Method

Plagiarism in book writting.

Special thanks to





Add one citation method in your post.

 3 years ago 

I have done that, thanks so much sir , appreciate

For citation ,
Use a sentence or phrase which is not of your ownership. Give the source of the sentence or phrase and put it in a blockquote.

 3 years ago 

I have work on that sir, thanks I appreciate

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