Diary Game | Ramadan activities

in Steem For Pakistan9 months ago (edited)

Welcome to my daily diary. Today I woke up as I'm fasting so I didn't do breakfast. I put henna on my hair as they are good conditioner for hairs. After cleaning in 2 to 3 hours , I came into the room where I can see the worker doing his work as I told you about it earlier

After it I get dressed and made rooh afsa for iftari. Yesterday I made it and everyone liked it so I made it again. My father own pigeons and birds so I came upstairs to Feed them

One of their family gave eggs and now they came out from it. They are so pretty and tiny at the same time. They want food all time. I think babies don't drink water they just eat at their parents feed them from their mouth. they shouts alot.

Look how pretty they are. Right now they are looking calm but they are opposite. These are their second time gaving eggs. First time only one survived and one didn't came out of his egg.
Later on as they gave eggs again, they kicked out their 1st child which was kinda sad because it was young for it. He was sick too. But they beated him so we changed its home

I don't like today's weather ☁️. Their was some clouds and so much sun. Even birds are not flying due to heat.

Then we did iftaari

After Salah, I used phone and then went for shopping, I bought some perfumes and some more like hair brush, face wash , dishes, henna, purses and bag
