Souvenir Murah di Malioboro

in #indonesia7 years ago

Cheap Souvenirs in Malioboro

SOME local tourists seen being picky souvenirs in Malioboro, Yogyakarta. They are so excited because some souvenirs are sold very cheap, ie three pieces per Rp10.000. An of teenage girls have to call her friend to ask him what souvenir is likes.

That is Yogya, a cultured city that provides many cheap options to its visitors. At the time of Bali exposed to the eruption of Mount Agung, vacationing to Yogya became one of the options that should be considered.

I see some people buy up to entire stock cheap souvenirs. Perhaps to share with family or friends on return. Cheap price is not a problem, because this is not about prestige, but many aspects follow-up behind it. The people's economy is small from the community's creative activities, sharing excitement with unique souvenirs, as well as a dash of memories behind souvenirs.

Let's buy up the entire stock the souvenirs. Cheap, festive, beautiful ...!




Souvenir Murah di Malioboro

SEJUMLAH turis lokal terlihat sedang memilih-milih souvenir di Malioboro, Yogyakarta. Mereka begitu bersemangat karena beberapa souvenir dijual sangat murah, yakni tiga potong per Rp10.000. sejumlah remaja berhijab sampai menelepon temannya untuk menanyakan souvenir apa yang ia sukai.

Begitulah Yogya, kota berbudaya yang memberikan banyak pilihan murah kepada pengunjungnya. Di saat Bali terpapar letusan Gunung Agung, berlibur ke Yogya menjadi salah satu pilihan yang patut dipertimbangkan.

Saya melihat beberapa orang memborong souvenir murah tersebut. Barangkali untuk dibagikan kepada keluarga atau sahabat saat kembali nanti. Harga murah bukan masalah, sebab ini memang bukan soal gengsi, melainkan banyak aspek ikutan di baliknya. Perekonomian rakyat kecil dari kegiatan kreatif masyarakat, berbagi kegembiraan dengan souvenir unik, serta sejumput kenangan di balik souvenir.

Ayo borong souvenirnya. Murah, meriah, indah…!





Design by @jodipamungkas



Waah ... Liat postingan ab, jadi rindu saya main² kesana, meseum vredeburg, keraton dan tmpat² yang indah di jogja ...
Jauh sekali cari ilmu nya ya bg hehe ..

Kami mengikuti Festival Media di Solo @agmalirsadi, tetapi sengaja datang lebih awal agar bisa Jalan ke Yogya. Solo - Yogya Hanya dua jam kan?

Ada cari sepeda lagi???

Nggak ada malam itu, @masriadi. Tiba di Malioboro sudah jam 20.00.