The Student Complaints about Online Lectures During the Covid-19 Pandemic |


The Corona pandemic has changed all aspects of life in the world. All activities are carried out online, due to the prohibition of going outside to break the chain of the spread of the virus that has claimed many victims. The concept of education has also changed, previously the teaching and learning process was done face-to-face, now using a variety of social networking applications.

This turned out to be very boring to be felt by most students of Universitas Malikussaleh in Indonesia and could be felt by all students in the world.

Many students complained that the recovery process was done online. Boredom began with this system, the number of assignments given by lecturers, and the desire to meet with friends and wanted to experience face-to-face lectures which they felt were very helpful in understanding science effectively.

"I am confused when I get an assignment from a lecturer, because all lecturers love their assignments and assignments very much, there are lecturers who love drawing assignments, some are summarizing books, there are also lecturers who tell us to make our own essays," complained Muhammad Abrar, Engineering Student Civil of Universitas Malikussaleh.

He added, even more confusing, sometimes the task given had exceeded capacity. "Not ready for one task, I have another assignment, not to mention my assignment at home. At home I have to be disciplined to divide my time between making lectures and helping my parents work at home, "he said.

In contrast to his classmates, Cut Fika Listya even complained about the unstable internet signal when she was attending lectures online, so that a lot of material was not understood due to the internet network being disconnected.

"My place is rather difficult to signal, so a lot of material is sometimes unclear, plus I have to provide a quota every day, sometimes I buy a quota every week, sometimes also every day, because online lectures take quite a lot of quota and we students must ask money to parents. But Alhamdulillah, Unimal has given us a 4GB quota,” says Cut Fika.

Meanwhile, Evi Dyah Lestasi, an Architecture student, said that online lectures are sometimes very fun and sometimes very boring. But because online lectures don't require face-to-face meeting, it makes it a bit more relaxed in learning.
"I do not need to wear neat clothes and sit up straight listening to the material given by the lecturer. But what is less fun is that sometimes the ease of online learning feels difficult due to difficulty accessing e-learning due to the difficulty of the network and server down. The task also feels more given so I have a little trouble doing it,” she said.

The other student, Auliya Endah Prigita, from Chemical Engineering , revealed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, she felt that online lectures were less effective. Many lecture schedules are not appropriate, even holidays also she must attend lectures conducted by some lecturers.

"It's been two months online lectures running, but I feel this just makes us students feel depressed. The assignment that the lecturer continues to give, but in his learning we only know a little, so that when working on our assignments it is quite difficult to complete it,” complained Auliya.

Not that many other problems only, especially in terms of internet quota. Online lectures make use of several via applications which according to him require so many quota even for one meeting in zoom can spend 1.5 GB more for one course.

"Imagine if in one week all courses of meeting must be very very wasteful use of internet quota. I hope that the Covid-19 pandemic will end soon and we can return to more face-to-face lectures that are more efficient and efficient,” says Auliya.

In several discussions, many observers of education said online lectures were indeed ineffective, in addition to requiring a lot of money for students. However, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that stopped lecturing face-to-face for a while, this bitter pill had to be swallowed together. Not for the students only, lecturers also do not have many choices. []
