Why to Join the Writer Community? |

Writers, like other professions, also organize themselves in various communities. in Indonesia, currently developing various writers' communities in various regions. Lingkar Pena Forum (FLP) is one of a large community of writers and is spread in various regions in Indonesia where 70 percent of its members are women (Mahayana, 2012).

There is also the Utan Kayu Community with Gunawan Mohammad and Ayu Utami as its icons, there is the Indonesian Literature Community, and there are many other writers communities that can be a place to share knowledge and information. In fact, teachers also have authorship communities such as Agupena.

Community is just a forum that does not produce creativity because creativity is born from individuals (Mahayana, 2012). However, in the community various ideas, thoughts, criticisms, and exchange of ideas occur that change the mindset of an individual. However, don't let the community of writers get caught up in mere organizational activity and lack of work.

Why do you need to join the authorship community?

  1. Get a variety of information both training and writing competitions.
  2. Correcting each other's writing so that it gets better.
  3. Maintain the spirit of writing.
  4. Promote works.
  5. Build a culture of reading.


Menulis tak hanya mengukir sejarah, tapi banyak benefit lain yang di hasilkan lewat karya tulis.