CLUB100 - Cruella full movie summary and Explained

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone welcome back to my blog I am again here with another movie summary  and I hope that you like it so let's just not waste any more time and start the summary




The movie begins with a baby girl named  Estella who has polyposis. Half of her hair is white, and half is black. People think Estella is different and that's why they  avoid her. However, her mom Catherine tries her best to give her an everyday life. Estella loves fashion and designing, and she has been pretty cruel from a young age. That is why her mom calls her Cruella. She finds a friend Anita in school when some students are bullying her. One day, she sees a  dog and decides to keep it. She names that dog Buddy, meanwhile  Estella is expelled from school because of her fights.

 Later, Catherine decides to take her to London so they can start something new. Estella says that she will go to Regent's park when they arrive there, and  Catherine agrees. Moreover, she gives Estella her necklace. Before they can travel to London, they must make a stop. Catherine tells Estella to stay in the car while meeting her friend for some financial help. However, Estella breaks her promise and comes out of the vehicle. She went to the party with her dog Buddy. She is shocked to see the party. Inside, three dogs attacked her. And she starts running, while those dogs follow her. When Estella comes out of the house, She sees her mother is talking to someone. Suddenly, those dogs attack and push her mom  from the cliff, 

 she falls and dies. Estella considers herself responsible for her mother's death and that she is the reason her mom died. Estella's life is changed at that moment, And she is now an orphan. She lost her mother's necklace in the house while escaping. Later  She runs from there to save her life. She reaches the park and sleeps near the fountain. The following day She meets two boys Horace and Jasper. They are orphans, and they both are thieves who steal little things. Later, Estella arrives at Horace and Jasper's home. It is an abandoned building. It's perfect for them because the Police will never find them there. She starts living with them as a family. Estela changes her hair colour.



 With time passing by, she grows up. They steal things from people. So they can survive  And enjoy life. However, her main goal is to become a fashion designer. And She is keeping her dream alive by designing clothes at home.   Seeing that, Horace and Jasper get her a cleaning job in the big clothing store named  Liberty department store for her birthday. With the hope that she will get a chance to be a designer one day. She tries impressing her boss, she doesn't want to miss this opportunity. She starts her job. And tries to convince the owner. However, he is rude to her. He does not let Estella do anything else. One night, Stella is drunk, and she redesigns the store's statue according to her. The following day, her boss gets so angry, and he is about to call the Police When suddenly a famous designer Baroness arrives there. She is an inspiration for Estella. The store owner tells  Baroness about what happened.  No one likes Estella in the liberty store; however, Baroness is impressed with her work. She appoints Estella on a job with her. As designer


 Estella thinks that her life's goal is now accomplished. However, Baroness is a self-obsessed woman who does not let anyone go beyond her.  Baroness gives Estella a tough time, but she is happy being around her and working as a designer. One night, Estella goes to a designer's shop after her job. The shop owner is also a fashion designer. He keeps old popular designs in his shop. While talking to him, she likes his taste in fashion, and they become friends.

 Later we see Estella is trying to impress Baroness. However, Baroness keeps Estella around just to steal her designs. one day. When Estella goes to Baroness' home with her,  finally Baroness praises her designs. While talking, Estella sees the same necklace on Baroness' neck that her mom had given her;  she asks about the necklace. Baroness reveals that Catherine was her ex-employee, who had stolen that necklace from her years ago. However, when she came to seek some financial help, she died by falling off the cliff. Estella gets very angry that Baroness called her mom a thief. She then decides to take that necklace back. She asks Horace and Jasper for help. And they agree because they  Love to steal. They start planning to get that necklace back. They gathered all the information about Baroness' home; locations of the cameras, keys, everything. After all the preparations, they decide  to go to her house party. According to the plan, Estella will distract Baroness. While Horace gets in the house, Jasper is hacking cameras. Baroness enters the house with her dogs. And insult a reporter.  When  Estella is entering, She meets the same news reporter who turns out to be her childhood friend,   Estella enters the party as Cruella. With a different look. 


Estella is shy and calm. while Cruella is cruel and bad. Her hair has changed. She entered the house and revealed her dress in a magical way to everyone.  It's so beautiful that everyone starts looking at her and taking her pictures. All the reporters are attracted towards Cruella, and  Baroness is angry at her. She orders her guard to catch her; however, Cruella manages to get the keys and gives them to Horace. When they check, the Necklace  it's not there. And they notice the necklace on Baroness's neck. Jasper leaves his mouse in the house to scare everyone. Everyone starts running; meanwhile, Cruella takes the necklace off of her neck and throws it to Buddy. Baroness orders her dogs to attack by a special whistle. Cruella notices that and suddenly gets a flashback from the night her mom died. She understood Baroness killed her mom.   All her life, She thought that her mom died because of her. Those dogs are still  attacking her. One of the dogs eats the Necklace while attacking. Somehow they escape. 

Later Estella is pretty disheartened, and she decides to take revenge on Baroness. She becomes Cruella and lets go of Estella. She starts her revenge by sending Horace and Jasper to kidnap Baroness' dogs. So she can get the necklace. Later She goes to Anita.   And tells her to publish news in her favour and against Baroness. Because they are childhood friends, Anita agrees. Later we see   Jasper and Horace kidnap the dogs using his dog buddy. Later Cruella goes to Artie, the shop owner. She talks to him, and he is ready to help. 

she behaves strangely and corally. And that's why   Jasper and Horace are a bit annoyed because of her rude behaviour.  However, they are helping her for the sake of their friendship. Later, Cruella is back on her job being Estella so she can keep an eye on Baroness. When The day of presenting the spring collection arrives. Everyone is taking Baroness' pictures. When Cruella arrives with Jasper on a bike, She is wearing something different, and all the people start taking her pictures; she has written "the future" on her head to show Baroness That  her  time is over. Cruella is again in the headlines. Baroness is angry because of that, And a series of events starts. Cruella is in the headlines every time. Baroness is not happy with this.


 Cruella always comes with a unique dress and leaves Baroness behind. Later we see  Baroness is trying her best to get information about Cruella, But nothing helps. She goes to Anita to get some details  about Cruella, but Anita does not tell her anything. On the other hand, Cruella is getting  success in her plans. However, she is still working in the store to get her hands on that necklace. Later, Estella designs a beautiful dress for Baroness to be in her good books. Baroness is impressed but still praises herself. In the next scene, Cruella sends Horace and Jasper to her boutique, where they destroy some dresses. To create an impression as if they were here to steal the showstopper dress. Baroness is scared, and she annoyingly puts all her dresses in a safe room. Estella does something to the door with a needle. 

we see   Estella, and she is still trying to design her new dress for the show. So she decides that she will make her showstopper dress from Baroness' dogs' skin. The day arrives, and it's time. Baroness goes to take her dress. She tries to open the room, but  it's  not opening. she ordered her people to open it forcefully. When they open the room. They are shocked to see. Baroness' dress  is destroyed along with all the other dresses by butterflies. We see the dress which Estella made for Baroness. She made that dress using caterpillars, and they have now become butterflies and destroyed all her dresses. Everyone on the show is shocked to see this. Suddenly, Cruella appears and starts showing her dress. Everyone is mesmerised   to see her dress.   Baroness is angry at Cruella because she destroyed her dresses. And she notices that Cruella's dress is made of her dog's skin. Cruella performs her act. Baroness is suspicious that Estella is Cruella. When the Police arrive, Cruella escapes. 

Later we see  Cruella in a bakery. She is here to get some food for the celebration. When she comes home to her Surprise. Baroness is already there. Moreover, she has captured her friends, and they are tied up. We see that Baroness' dogs are alive. Cruella had not used their skin for the dress. Baroness' asks why you did all this. To which  Cruella says she is doing it for her mom's revenge. On the other hand, Baroness has reported Jasper and Horace to the Police for the murder of Cruella. She set the whole house on fire. while  Cruella is tied there. She leaves and takes Jasper and Horace with her so she can lock them up. Cruella is struggling to open herself. Meanwhile,  Buddy tries to get Cruella out of the fire.    The whole building is on fire,  and it becomes breaking news that Cruella is dead in the fire. 


we see Cruella coming back to her senses. She is rescued by Baroness' guard John. When they talk, John reveals some secrets about her. He tells her that the necklace is a key To a box. when She opens the box. She finds her birth certificate inside. She is shocked to know that  Baroness is her real mother. She abandoned her when Estella was born. Because she doesn't want to share her property and fame with anyone. Because she is a self-obsessed lady. That's why  She ordered John to kill Estella; however, John could not do it. That is why John gave her to Catherine to take care of her. Estella is shocked to know this.

 She runs away and arrives at Regent's Park, Where she promises Catherine that she will take revenge for her death. Because she considers Catherine her mother and loves her so much, later  Estella goes to save Horace and Jasper from the  Police. She distracts the Police. And sends the dog with the key to her friends,  later we can see. All of them together, and  Estella tells them the truth.   And convinces them of help by emotional blackmail. she tells them that you are my real family. Later, She visits that shop owner Artie, who is already ready for Estella's help. 

They start working on a new plan at John's house. Meanwhile, Baroness is preparing for her annual party  In which she had killed Catherine many years ago. when a police  Inspector arrives at her house and informs her that they couldn't find Cruella. Baroness is now anxious that she might come here. On the other hand   Estella and her team, including John,  sent dresses to Baroness' guests. Those dresses completely look like Cruella's dress. They also send a letter in which it is written that they all should come wearing the dress. in the memory of Cruella. Later we see  Baroness; she is getting ready for the party. Meanwhile, Baroness' guards are attacking every guest because they look like Cruella. When  Baroness comes down, she is shocked to see everyone in the same dress as Cruella.


 She gets scared. The scene shifts, and we see Jasper call all the guards to the library, Where Horace locked them. Cruella arrives at the Baroness's party. She walks slowly towards Baroness,  and pinches her with a needle, and takes the whistle from her hand. She then changed herself back into  Estella and went to the same cliff,  from which Baroness had pushed Catherine.  She whistles and calls the dogs. Those dogs start running towards the cliff. forcing  Baroness to go to the cliff as well. When she comes outside and sees Estella.  She orders her dogs to get her. However, Estella controls them now. She is shocked to see that. 

Meanwhile, Jasper, Artie, and John tell everyone that Baroness is calling all the guests outside. Estella and Baroness start  talking.  Estella tells her that she is her daughter, Baroness feels so emotional and asks forgiveness. She hugged her;  while crying. It seems as if everything is alright.   However,  she suddenly pushes Estella down the cliff. while Everyone's watching her. Later the police arrest Baroness For a murder.    After some time, we see   Estella's grave,  she gave up her  life to get her revenge.  However, Estella is dead. Cruella is still alive. It was a part of her plan. When she failed from the cliff, she had a parachute on. And Horace was present there waiting for her in a boat. Before Estella's death, she wrote a letter saying that she was the daughter of  Baroness. and she gave all her property to her dear friend  Cruella. In the last scene, we see  Cruella entering Baroness's house with her friends, and the movie ends here. 





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you explain it very well thank you for share with us

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