Exhibition interior / Интерьер выставки

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

English version below

Привет, друзья!

Прежде чем я покажу вам следующие работы, я должен представить вам интерьер помещения выставки.
Я должен был сделать это раньше, отталкиваясь от общего к частному.
Но пути могут быть разными.

Выставка расположена в начале Невского проспекта Петербурга.
Это практически самый центр города.
Здание находится радом со Строгоновским дворцом, стоящим на берегу реки Мойка.

Я к чему всё это говорю... внутренняя отделка помещений может вас удивить.
На первый взгляд кто-то начал здесь ремонт... и остановился на пол-пути.
Вы можете видеть красный кирпич стен вперемешку с железными балками, штукатуркой, техническими отверстиями, торчащими из стен стальными прутьями.
Потолок тоже являет собой подобное зрелище, только больше двутавровых балок-перекрытий.

Но при этом пол выложен сверкающим керамогранитом и всё чисто.
Выставка занимает второй этаж.
Туда ведёт стеклянная лестница с хромированными поручнями... контраст очевиден.
Я предполагаю, что здесь использован стиль "лофт", но я могу ошибаться.

Впрочем, полюбуйтесь сами.






Hello, friends!

Before I show you the following works, I have to introduce you to the interior of the exhibition space.
I should have done it earlier, starting from the general to the particular.
But the paths can be different.

The exhibition is located at the beginning of St Petersburg's Nevsky Prospekt.
It is practically the very centre of the city.
The building is next to the Stroganoff Palace, which stands on the bank of the Moika River.

What I'm saying is... the interior decoration of the premises may surprise you.
At first glance, someone started renovating here... and stopped halfway through.
You can see red brick walls mixed with iron beams, plaster, technical holes, steel bars sticking out of the walls.
The ceiling is also a similar sight, only with more I-beams.

But the floor is lined with gleaming porcelain tiles and everything is clean.
The exhibition occupies the first floor.
There is a glass staircase with chrome handrails... the contrast is obvious.
I assume that the style used here is "loft", but I could be wrong.

Anyway, take a look for yourself.

All photos are clickable, I recommend turning on night mode for viewing

Все фотографии кликабельны, для просмотра рекомендую включить ночной режим.

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright


 last year 

Hey @bambuka … You should power up your Blurt and delegate to @beblurt to earn 8%-10% APR passive income… (including the 2% APR you already earn from Blurt Power) …. Liquid Blurt is deposited to your wallet each Day …. Also, If you want to earn 33% APR from posting once a day you could delegate some Blurt Power to @jsup …. It adds up. More free crypto

 last year 

Hi @offgridlife.
I'm tired of Blurt and don't see any prospect for it. It's been a long time, there were loud promises about the prosperity of this platform.... it's all come down to the common pool being shared amongst "your own" and the crumbs from the dinner table going to everyone else. Honestly, I feel bad for wasting my time on this project.

I was once motivated, bought their tokens, created posts every day and was active. It's been years and I've only made .... 300$. It's embarrassing for someone to admit it )) But it's true.

Now I had a desire to withdraw the bulk of tokens and stupidly sell it at market price. Maybe someone will buy it.

And the account... passive income may bring a few cents. But that's nothing. There's no point in making posts here. But if I spend my time on something else, I can actually earn something. Like Steemit.

Do you think I'm thinking right and is there a future for Blurt?

Привет @offgridlife
Я устал от Blurt и не вижу у него никакой перспективы. Прошло много времени, были громкие обещания про процветание этой платформы... всё свелось к тому, что общий пул делится межу "своими", а крошки с обеденного стола достаются всем остальным. Если честно, мне жалко тратить время на этот проект.

Когда-то я был мотивирован, покупал их токены, создавал посты каждый день и был активным. Прошло много лет и я заработал всего... 300$. Стыдно кому-то в этом признаться )) Но это так.

Сейчас у меня было желание вывести основную массу токенов и тупо её продать по рыночной цене. Может быть кто-нибудь её купит.

А аккаунт... пассивный дохож может приносить несколько центов. Но ведь это мелочь. Создавать здесь посты не вижу смысла. Но если я потрачу время на что-то другое, я могу реально что-то заработать. Например в Steemit.

Как ты считаешь, правильно ли я размышляю и есть ли будущее у Blurt?

 last year 

Steemit and Blurt are both good if you delegate to @justyy @jsup @upvu …. I prefer Blurt since it’s so cheap and I can buy more for less. I wish I had bought more Steem when it was cheap but missed out. Oh well.

 last year 

Yes, Blurt is very cheap. But to be profitable, it needs to go up. Over the course of its existence. $0.04 two years ago and since then $0.003.
Are you expecting that it might start going up? Even when Bitcoin goes up, Blurt doesn't react.
Yes, delegations work, but if I use all of Blurt to buy Steemit and delegate them (for example) it will be more profitable I think.
I haven't decided what I'm going to do with Blurt yet....

 last year 

Well.. I make 33% APR with @Jsup…. As long as blurt is stable at .003 I am earning a lot …. if it goes back to .12 I’m doing even better.

 last year 

You're probably right ))

 last year 

I like to be diversified ….

So I hold Bitcoin, Blurt, Steem, Tron, Atom, and a few others.

Coins that I earn from staking and delegation.

But with @jsup and @upvu delegation on Blurt I earn the most.

It’s steady daily income.

Blurt with @jsup and @beblurt
Steem with @upex @upvu @jsup
Atom and Tron staking on Atomic Wallet.

 last year 

Yes, I understand you and your approach. Thanks for the helpful tips.
I have now put Blurt on the exchange. If I don't forget about it or it doesn't sell, I'll put it back on the old place again)))

 last year (edited)

Please help me to understand.
I am trying to place an order to sell the entire amount of Blurt (screenshot)
I get ... you have insufficient funds :(
What am I doing wrong?


I have funds in my wallet )


 last year (edited)

By the way, where can you sell Blurt?

 last year 

Thanks for the advice @justyy and for your work, it helps me a lot )

 last year (edited)

Please help me to understand.
I am trying to place an order to sell the entire amount of Blurt (screenshot)
I get ... you have insufficient funds :(
What am I doing wrong?


I have funds in my wallet )


The exchange charges some fee per transaction, try a smaller amount and see what happens?

 last year 

I've tried selling even 100 Blurt..... It's not working.

 last year (edited)

I tried to withdraw Blurt and return them to the platform. The exchange writes that I have in my wallet .... 0,0000 :(


Но у меня там есть токены...


 last year 

The interior is so rich and interesting.

And a little spooky too 🎃

 last year 

I like this style, it's honest ))

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