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RE: What is ‘Mother’s Friend’s Son’ 엄친아가 부러우세요?

in #writing8 years ago

이것은 세계의 다른 지역과 거의 같습니다. 그것이 보편적 인 말은 "친구가 시험에 실패하면 그것은 슬픔의 소식이며 친구가 먼저 오면 슬픔의 위대한 소식"
this is pretty much same as with other parts of the world. That is why a universal sayings " If friend fail in examination, it is a news of sorrow and if friend comes first than it is a great news of sorrow"


Hahaha we're all living in same world :)

:) "yes! same world"! I feel sorry for the boarders !!