SEC17/W5|Do you believe in reincarnation?

in Incredible India24 days ago

the very belief of which that after death a very soul can be reborn into a new body, has so much fascinated humanity for the centuries now. It's indeed a concept that really sparks curiosity and also contemplation in humans about the nature of our existence and the afterlife as well.

  • In this discussion today, I'm exploring into the very intriguing topic of the reincarnation, as well exploring its very possibility, its implications too for relationships, and as well the idea of choosing one's next life.

["Is Reincarnation Really Possible?"]

Do you believe there is reincarnation? Justify your belief:

The Belief in reincarnation varies definitely across cultures and a certain individuals. Some do find solace in this very idea that life is a continuous cycle of the learning and growth, while too others may probably view it skeptically, so preferring to focus on the present rather than to really speculate about what comes after.

One very argument for the very possibility of reincarnation really lies in the countless reflection accounts of the past-life memories, often do reported by the young children who did vividly recall details of the lives they could not have experienced while in their current lifetime yet. This scenario story was brought to me from my grandmother, who told me that his younger brother and the last born of their family was probably reincarnated facts to his accent of speech.

  • Since the last born was called Ubong*, when always visiting a neighboring village called Iton, Ubong will to them to a certain compound telling and showing them some trees and plantation claiming he plamted it and he his their late father who was late at the moment. Also telling them stories that appears true to the family and since then they all respect him and start calling him their father while he still very little and younger of age.

And too While other skeptics may definitely attribute these memories to a kind of imagination or a cultural influences, so proponents of reincarnation see them as an evidence of the soul's journey through a multiple lifetimes.

[Will Mama be Reincarnated]

Moreover too, the very concept of "karma", the unique idea that our very actions in this life always shape our destiny in the future lives, so provides a framework for the understanding reincarnation. So If one accepts the principle of the cause and effect, then too the idea of past lives influencing present circumstances really becomes more plausible.

At this stage I'm in a point of delima of either believing or not. Though I haven't experience it happen before but I have gotten a story from my own grandmother about it and the person in question is her own blood brother. But then I kind of believe it

Do you believe we get back our relationships through reincarnation? Describe:

The very notion of like reuniting with the loved ones in future lives is indeed a comforting thought for many. The idea here that the bonds we always form in one lifetime can so transcend death and definitely be renewed in another offers hope and a consolation in the face of loss.

While to me in particular there's no concrete evidence to prove the very existence of reincarnated relationships, the proponents of the belief point to the very cases where individuals feel an instant connection or the familiarity with someone they've just met somewhere, as if either they've known each other before in their lifetime because I do hear stories like this and I have definitely involve in a discussion someone explain this experience he had.

So These soulmate connections, as they're often called by many, are so seen as evidence of souls reuniting across lifetimes and existence.

  • However, it's very much important to really note that not all the relationships may be so destined to be rekindled in future lives as people expect. The very complexity of the human connections and also the lessons we learn from them may either lead souls down different paths in subsequent incarnations.

Do you like to be born just like what you are in this life; Or would you wish to adopt any other person's life if there is a reincarnation? Explain the reasons behind your choice:

In the very prospect of so choosing one's next life opens up a realm of possibilities and dilemmas. On one hand, the pretty idea of so retaining one's current identity as it stands, with all its pleasing joys and the challenges, may be so appealing. Really Embracing one's unique essence and also continuing the journey of self-discovery can be a fulfilling prospect entirely.

  • While On the other hand, the very thought of experiencing life from a very different perspective entirely, either inhabiting a different body with its very own set of circumstances and the opportunities, can also be equally intriguing to people.

The Stepping into someone else's shoes do offers the chance for the empathy and understanding, as well as the unique opportunity to learn new lessons and so overcome different challenges.

But "Ultimately", the very choice between continuity and the change depends on individual preferences and beliefs as well. Some may do feel a deep sense of an attachment to their current identity and the experiences, while too others may relish the pretty idea of exploration and the transformation like some people doing transgender, cross dressing and others.

But no matter what here, I'm pleased with myself and so appreciate God's marvelous work that I'm created special and perfect and so will definitely love to be born same way as I am with no changes at all.


[Me thinking 🤔 of it]

So Regardless of the choice, the very underlying principle of the term reincarnation always reminds us of the interconnectedness of all the lives and too the endless possibilities for growth and evolution.

In conclusion, reincarnation here remains to me a timeless mystery that will always invites contemplation and also speculation. So Whether one believes in its reality or not depending on life circumstances and experiences, the concept offers us a lens through which to explore well the nature of existence and the eternal journey of the soul we have.

I'm inviting @hahdie, @usoro01 and @alli001 to please accept my invitation and try through more lights on the concept for pleasing understanding while I stand to be corrected.
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     ~ "Thanks" all for Reading ~

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 23 days ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

La idea de que la reencarnación sea posible es un tanto angustiante porque, quienes creen en esto viven pensando en dónde va a estar su próxima vida y, en lo personal, no considero que sea saludable vivir en esa angustia. ¡Claro! Se les respeta dichas posiciones pero, no dejo de ver que sea contraproducente.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

There is a different thing about reincarnation in your religion and your view is quite different which is both logical and religious. I liked it very much. It was very interesting to read your post.

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