in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



doctors waiting room.png

Patients in the waiting room,
Sit and sit, in dismal gloom.
Awaiting appointment for 10 o’clock,
It was 11:30 the last time you took stock.
(Try being late yourself and see the reaction,
If looks were physical you’d be in traction).
An enquiry to the Receptionist,
“Does my appointment still exist?”
“The Doctor is attending an emergency”.
A euphemism for having morning tea!

Patients are so very, very patient,
As they wait,

doctors waiting room 2b.png

and wait,

doctors waiting room 3b.png

and wait.
Hoping the doctor may see them before it’s too late.
One theory is, to fill no-show gaps,
Schedules are over-booked with compliant saps.
Who sit and sit and sit and sit,
And make out they don’t mind one bit.
A “practice” is a physicians calling,
(The thought “practice makes perfect” is sometimes appalling),
Physicians like to take great ease,
As they readily rake-in their fees.
To be able to get a medical appointment,
Be prepared to wait weeks in disappointment.
A “second opinion” could be elevating,
But then it would mean more waiting room waiting.
Some doctors seem somewhat loath,
To fully respect the Hippocratic Oath.
If you were to cite “Dr. Finlay’s casebook”,*
Doctors will give you a nasty face look.
Doctor Finlay was oft. out calling,
In country Britain in weather appalling.
Always cheerful and willing to help.
“House Call?” No problem, but today’s doctors yelp.
In fact most doctors flatly decline,
To set foot out of doors to medically opine.

If they cannot diagnose a specific condition,
Rather than consult a brother physician,
Their diagnostic conclusion is often a “VIRUS”,
A generalized term that would require us,
To follow not a specific therapy course,
But to hope the condition will not get any worse.
So what nice things can be said about quacks?
They look out for themselves and watch their backs.
But in spite of all the above,
They sometimes may help someone we love!

*Dr. Finlay’s Casebook was an early T.V. show featuring
a caring house calling Doctor in rural Britain.


Great work!
This remind me Polish joke:
-I set you a visit to doctor on january 2020
-i don't know if ill live than. I'm really sick
-no problem. Ill write your name by pencil so i can easyli change it.

hahaha so funny, it is like that all over the word!!! In my country people are even fighting while waiting as atmosphere becomes tense while doctor is having a tea with a friend in the ordination. :) If Hippocrat is only alive to see.. haha

Glad you liked it.

"Dr. Finlay’s Casebook was an early T.V. show featuring
a caring house calling Doctor in rural Britain", It pays to be outstanding in ones sphere of life.I really enjoyed your post.

Quackery in medical field is one thing that must not be overemphasized....funny and educative poem, keep it up Sir!

It's nice to read, I'll take a look here again

Glad you liked it.

Hahaha.... nice poem.... it makes me more patient....


This is so funny because its so true. Physicians like to take great ease,
as they readily rake-in their fees.
But still I suppose sometimes we need them, unfortunately.

I really like stories, are geniusly awesome! I invite you to visit our blog and enjoy our content :)

Thanks for changing your writting style, i mean the gap between two parragraph. It helps reader to read the poem spontineously .

thank you

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