Steemit and Charity - Can We Change The World With An Upvote?

in #youarehope6 years ago (edited)

100% of the proceeds of this post are going directly to @youarehope.


I do a lot of charity work for dogs in my local area because my dogs are my world and I hate to think of dogs suffering in any way.

But what about people?

Well, locally to me there are people in need, but in the UK we are very lucky that we don’t face some of the serious conditions that others face in different parts of the world.

Should we ignore the issue just because we don't see it everyday? Should we pretend these things aren’t happening? NO!!!!

Here on Steemit, I have come across an awesome initiative by @youarehope.

You are H.O.P.E. is a community supported worldwide humanitarian aid organization and Steemit and more importantly, WE have the power to make a difference!

I am NOT asking you for money, I am NOT asking you for your time. All you need to do if you want to help is UPVOTE this post and you are literally helping to save a life somewhere in the world.


How awesome is that!


I have been thinking for a while now about setting up a Steemit account for raising money for the dog charities that I do work for, but that is localised to me.

H.O.P.E. takes on some of the worst cases in the world and provides help and support where it is needed, no matter the location.

I feel we have a duty to support our fellow human beings. Why would you NOT want to do this? I don’t know if I have said this before, but IT LITERALY COSTS YOU NOTHING!!! :D

So, I am asking for your help guys. If you believe in the power of Steemit and want to make a difference in the world, press that upvote button. Lets show the world what the unique power of Steemit can do; lets share our love and compassion with our upvotes!

PLEASE find it in your heart to UPVOTE this post. All proceeds will go directly to @youarehope.


Thank you so much for being you! Much love and peace to you all, @beautifulbullies xx




The STEEM Engine


my vote isn't of much impact but you have it.


Thank you so much for your support @dillagr! Every vote counts :)

Excellent post, through @youarehope we can all support charitable works throughout the world with very little cost to ourselves.

You maybe should discuss with @tarc run by @rhondak about supporting dog charities as she runs a rescue in her local area and might have some advice on what you can do.

#thealliance #witness

Thank you @c0ff33a! That is a great idea :) I have had a few thoughts on it in the past but i have always shelved them for another day. Perhaps it is time to get those ideas back out! :D

Hi new friend, I happen to be the guy who created the charity @c0ff33a is mentioning, and in even more serendipity, my witness partner is the one with the dog rescue. We can give you any info you may be curious about, and you already know where to find me :D

And I did my bit tonight - via email, because she works two jobs, and I can't just random her at night, but I pitched the ball...

Haha this is getting stranger by the minute! xD Glad you did your part, I am going to do mine later today ;)

wait through you are hope we can support ALL charitable works throught the world>> really?

OK, good point I was being wildly general when I made that comment. What I meant is if you give money to @youarehope they use it to contribute to many needed causes throughout the world - it might only be tiny amounts to each but every little helps.

Much as I would like it to happen, I don't believe @youarehope can solve all the worlds problems or that can it can provide funds to every single charity group around the world - although we can always "hope"

We have helped thousands of people in nearly a dozen countries so far, but the missions vary each time in what we do there. So perhaps "many kinds of charitable works"? :)

Well idk mayb you figured out an algorithm for judging the worlds charities and can distribute funds to them evenly? NO? get on it . :P p.s. I'm gonna be starting a fundraiser soon to finish my work in San Marcos, Guatemala. There is a school there with a LOT of potential for raising attention to indigenous Mayans esp artists/musicians/folkloric theater.. ANy chance that is even remotely applicable?

musicians and people with costumes and stage props, don't sound like they are starving to death, and dying in their country at a 30% rate under a dictator, so probably not.

Its all relative. Although, I promise that many of the people in Nigeria are not starving to death, nor are they living under a dictator. Nigeria is a Democracy which is led by indigenous people. IN fact I studied their independence by reading a great Nigerian author, Chinua Echebe. Since long before I went on my first cultural exchange trip in 2012, I learned from my African classmates (:O musicians that aren't starving but still need a lot of help!) that there are many people who do not like charitable organizations or their approach to solving the problems of poverty which have arisen as a result of colonialist capitolism, european occupation and rule, and of course the resulting systematic racism that allows many Europeans to own major import/export companies that oppress indigenous craftsman as well as indigenous artists and glean profits from their good work while subsiding on a "middle income" that most Americans would consider dire poverty.

It actually highly expressed by many indigenous activists and community organizers in wealthy yet-still 3rd world countries like Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, and Even Guatemala that giving indigenous people assistance to find work using their own beautiful culture and being their own boss is WAY more successful than dropping dollars on "starving" people who are being "oppressed" by dictators. But thanks for being mean and narcissistic as usual. :) keep on with that good energy. You'll heal the world in no time!

We do work in 12 countries, providing for orphans and adults without food or hygiene or clothing.

If you wanna tell me your guy who has a guitar and health to play it, needs it worse, keep on living in your delusional world.

You'll be banned from most communities in no time. Oh ... too late.

As a dog lover, I think it is a great idea.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support!

Well, you've got my vote for what little it's worth but they say a drip of water over time can make a vast canyon and topple mountains. Every bit helps :)

Thank you so much for your support! :) We can all make a difference if we work together :D

It is not my initiative, I just wish to help where I can :) Thank you for your support! :D

I witnessed and experienced the power of community
My upvote isn't much but it comes with a whole lotta love 😊

Thank you so much for your support, it all counts! :D

Thank you @beautifulbullies for doing this for such a great Charity as this. Great stuff going on :)

Thank you for your support! I think it is great that we can help just with an upvote!

Great idea, thanks for sharing it.

I am aware of a couple of casual efforts on Steemit that I tend to support. One helps children in Bangladesh go to school and eat nourishing food. The other is to support undervalued Venezuelans posts. Many of them provide food for their families via their posts on Steemit. It takes such an incredibly small amount to make an impact.

Thanks again for helping out. If not me, who?

Thanks @bigtom13 :) There are so many worth while causes and I think Steemit has the potential to make a huge difference in the world through the power of community.

Even though it's not worth that much at the moment, I gave my 100% upvote to this post and resteemed it so hopefully, more people will see it.

Like you said, it literally takes zero effort to take a second and press that upvote button, but upvotes can pile up and help someone in need.

By the way, I love dogs, English bulldogs are my favorite! :D

Thank you for your upvote and resteem @nikolina! Every upvote counts, no matter how big or small! :)
Great to meet another bulldog lover! I cant understand why everyone is not in love with them hehe