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RE: DTube opens a witness node on STEEM

in #dtube5 years ago

These are strong accusations here but let me give you my point of view as one who was initially neutral.

  1. JS was a threat from the beginning when he constantly retweeted posts about absorbing Steem into Tron network and make a Tron-based Steem. Whatever that means.

  2. Witnesses soft fork was defensive but was taken AFTER attempts to reach out to JS fell on deaf ears.

  3. Steem blockchain is the people and not the technology because let's face it, it is open source and copy-paste makes a new one.

  4. People willingly made their decision after seeing JS colluded with exchanges to put puppets in charge of governance.

  5. Steemit Inc even came out to state blatantly that they're in control of Steem chain for now but will give governance back to whatever is left of the community. How can you call that decentralised? When you have to constantly be looking over your shoulder.

  6. We're all free men and have freedom to associate. The majority chose, willingly whether fed "lies" or not, to move to Hive. Tell your own side of the story and try to convince the community, let's see how that goes.

I love Steem and I'm in Hive now, not missing a beat. I use the same keys, and live my life in pretty much the same way. Steem isn't dead, it just changed name because the name "Steem" got sold.

My 2cents


Steemit Inc even came out to state blatantly that they're in control of Steem chain for now but will give governance back to whatever is left of the community. How can you call that decentralised? When you have to constantly be looking over your shoulder.

On STEEM, people are aware of this, and always have been aware that SteemIt Inc stake could start voting. We know a large share of the stake is in it. In HIVE, it's the same thing, except you have no idea who controls the stake, it is dispatched between multiple accounts.

Time will tell

I'm also in Hive, although I strongly doubt I will keep many funds there. I know the people in control hate me (I've never been invited to their secret illuminati meetings), so I have legit reasons to be scared for my funds when they own 20/20 witnesses there.

With all do respects, that is backwards. Yes, you might not be in the HIVE top 20 witness meetings, but its 20 different people. Have you been in the Steemit Inc. witness meetings between Justin and the sockpuppet accounts? In one scenario you have 20+ individuals making a coalition, and in the other you have 1 we know about and then a faceless corporation in the shadows controlling run by that one.

If one of those was the "Secret Illuminati", I'd put my money on it being the ones who bought their way into hijacking a chain, refusing to meet with the witnesses, and then actively hiding who actually runs which witness puppet.

I am 100% in support of you running a witness node. If we can keep 5 people like you int he top 20, we know the chain can survive in a decentralized manner and all will be okay. But I do think you are misjudging the scenario a bit.

It's not 20 different people in hive witnesses. It's a cartel with 2-3 people colliding together, also using multiple accounts, just less obvious ones than what happened on steem.

See all the anonymous accounts in top 20. How about trying to ask them for their real names, or asking them to show up in the next hivefest? You can be sure they won't show up lol.

And nothing is happening on steem side, justin is silent and real witnesses who showed up there are legit people who just don't want it to break.

I will not run a Hive node because it costs money and I have 0 chance to see my money back sadly, considering even if the whole real userbase of hive believed in me and voted me, I wouldn't even be in top 50 from the decentralized election :)

I understand your perspective, and I do agree, I want to know who is in the top 20. There are too many purely anonymous accounts for my liking. I have one person I know whose a witness, as in we lived in the same city, so my votes reflect their votes, as I trust that person to make the best judgement calls on their anonymous associates.

That being said,

even if the whole real userbase of hive believed in me and voted me, I wouldn't even be in top 50 from the decentralized election

That is straight false though? The users have more funds relative to the rest of the pool on HIVE than on STEEM, because all but 300 accounts (including Justins and his sockpuppets) have the exact same funds as on STEEM, except the Steemit Inc. 20%+ stake is gone.

So the users have equivalent if not more power on HIVE than on STEEM when we look at the stake breakdown. By doing simple math, you could be a top HIVE witness, unless you're trying to say you need the Steemit Inc. backing to be a witness, in which case, I honestly wouldn't trust your witness.

We've only had 1 week of powering down so far, the userbases voice isn't that different between the two platforms yet.

If you look at the distribution of money in this blockchain, and despite the social distribution that has been going on, you will realize that it is very unfair. Bitcoin is way better distributed. A good metric to look at, is how much of the stake, the top 1% of the wallets/accounts represent.

This is a pie chart that was on my website at the end of 2016. This pie chart excluded all the steemit inc accounts!

It would be interesting to run it again to have more recent data, but let's assume it stayed about the same (top 0.1% controlling 2/3, top 1% controlling 90%), then it's clear that even if 99.9% of the community votes me as witness I would barely enter top 30, and if only 99% of the 'bottom' community upvoted me, I would be like #80 witness.

If you check BTC for example, it is distributed much more widely. Maybe because it's older? Maybe because it's more convenient and safer.

Also on another note, how can you prove that 2 anonymous accounts, are not actually the same person? Either someone with schizophrenia or someone with training in deception.

The Steem middle class has been growing in the short time that I've been on here, meaning that the influence of whales was diminishing as a percentage of all Steem. I suspect that this will likely reverse a bit as people cash out. Those sticking it out and buying up the surplus Steem will gain a larger percentage of the remainder.

Your last statement made me chuckle. 1 person can anonymously run two accounts simply by not telling anybody. No need for schizophrenia or the art of deception.

Witnesses soft fork was defensive

No it wasn't. That's what the old witnesses said, but freezing funds is rather a "threatening", not "defensive"

People willingly made their decision after seeing JS colluded with exchanges to put puppets in charge of governance.

Yeah it's very easy to fool people by spreading propaganda like "Capital vs Community Revolution". Like they said their action was "defensive" and you just believe it.

Given the context that a token swap was initially announced, it can be seen as defensive.

The problem is that things like this (image) and this are still live.


Actually, no... the real problem is that this endless escalation and petty fight continues. Many users do not want to make a choice but the reality is that we only see tribal bullshit everywhere.

It’s simple: the announcement was wrong, 22.2 was wrong, 22.5 was wrong, the preparation of the fork was wrong, the “airdrop” censorship (censorship because a vote is free speech and should be allowed without fear for retribution - not an airdrop because I was never airdropped HIVE, there’s no tx about that) was wrong, and the censorship (and flagging) on steemit is wrong. Oh, and the way proxy.token initially returned to voting with a kingpin powerplay was pathetic. And the whole way the community has been played to buy time vote for the community was a hypocrite play of the highest level by some.

As a user, ever since Feb 14 I’ve felt my only options were:

  1. Can’t win
  2. Lose

Meanwhile, this ever worsening tribalism continues and nobody gives a flying eff about the actual users. Users who definitely not expected to join a platform which would freeze funds like banks and PayPal do nor would imagine an organized effective takeover. Core principles of what blockchain may mean to some. Not to mention the various methods of censorship.

As a user... I’m disgusted, disgusted being collateral damage. Here’s hoping the feuds will soon end and both platforms will look only at themselves and improve their options and offerings. Otherwise you only chase us who are here because we believe in blockchain away, simple as.

Nobody looks good in this. It was a shitshow of the highest degree.