The female gender has been and would always been the most important gender as long as the world remains, as ladies we are faced with several challenges on daily basis that we always need encouragements and enlightenment, at some points in our lives we pass through experiences which we have absolutely no idea on how to manage.
Source: Pixabay
There is need for proper education of the female teenagers and youths on certain exigencies we face and how to effectively manage them without having any issues .
Since i joined the steem blockchain few months ago, i have been in search of several opportuinities to invest myself into and give back to the community, and i just found a group of very wonderful ladies who are doing their best to ensure that young girls are duly enlightened of the challenges they will face in the society, the norms and values every girl should always keep in mind and abide for a successful living..
Introducing @girlsfoundation.
I am meant to write a review of @girlsfoundation outreach to enlighten ladies but before i do that, i would love to give you a brief introduction of @girlsfoundation.

Source: Pixabay
@girlsfoundation is a project aimed at educating young ladies about their norms and values, advocate for the girl-child support and and encourage the young ladies in as much ways as possible. This project is also aimed at speading the good news of the steem blockchain, giving girls the opportuinity to earn tangible weatlh by making good use of their God-given talents and potentials.
@girlfoundation believes that if and when given the right tools for excellence, the girl child has wonderful things to offer to the world, surpassing all standards and reaching unimaginable heights in the society. This foundation is a Non-Governmental organization and believes in decentralization and community efforts.
This amazing project is pioneered by a group of amazing selfless ladies, who have taken it as apoint of duty to ensure that every girl-child that comes their way would be well equipped for the society, these excellent ladies includes @faetee, @meemee , and @crystalll, the project is supported by @surfyogi and @wafrica, with @raymondbruce being the ideologist.
@girlsfoundation vision is divided into four major arears:
1. Purpose Education:
Discovery of purpose is a very crucial step into becoming a successful person, @girlsfoundation believes that when one discovers his/her purpose, the ability to choose between success and failure now lies in their hands, hence they create outreaches to enlighten the ladies about life and purpose.
2. A Rape Free Society:
Rape is a forceful sexual assault carried upon someone, usually a female.the consequences of rape are dire and the rate of rape cases in our society today is alarming, hence @girlsfoundation have put it to themselves to help create awareness about this particular menace and help stop the trauma, stigma and other dangerous effects it has on the girl child.
3. Fight Against Domestic Violence:
Researches has shown that the rate of domestic violence in Africa alone is increasing exponentially, all over the world, campaigns to combat domestic violence have been set up and @girlsfoundation have decided to be the voice in this part of the world to fight against domestic violence and its various effects, including
• Physical
• Mental
• Emotional
• Sociocultural
4. Girl – Child Education:
In this part of the world, some cultures believe that training the girl-child in formal education is a total waste of resources, @girlsfoundation has joined the league of enthusiastic people who believe otherwise, they believe that the girl child has something extraordinary to offer when given the right tool and resources to make it happen. @girlfoundation is helping to send the girls to schools and enable them get access to right education whuch would make them better people in the society tomorrow.
The outreach was scheduled to be by 11am on the 13th of June , 2018. @girlsfoundation crew arrived earlier (10.15am) in order to ensure that things are going as planned and as a way to ensure the ladies learn to keep to time in any endeavour, as role models.
There was a brief talk with the principal, and by 10:50 am the stage was set for the event.
The outreach was dvided into 5 sections:
• Briefing
• Lectures
• Questions and Answers
• Sharing of gifts
• Photospeaks
The introduction of @girlsfoundation and enlightenment of the values and norms of the girl child was done by @fatee, who helped the student understand their puropose, @ meemee continued with a story that spurred the heart of the students and then took them on the lecture about Steem blockchain and how they can better their lives from the steemit platform.

The Questions and Answere section were handled by @faetee, @meemee and @crystalll, who took turns to make it worthwhile from their wealth of knowledge.
Sharing of gifts were handled by @faetee and @meemee, whilst @raymondbruce an @crystalll handled the camera for both the sharing of gifts and the photospeak. The winners of the questions and answer segments received gifts of new school uniforms and took special nap shots with the team

Shout Out By winners of the school uniform
The event came to an end and the team exchanged pleasantries with the school and took their leave, persinally i would say, it was a huge success.