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RE: [] - Which whales are powering down?

in #steem9 years ago

Over 90% of my personal net worth is in Steem on this account. Any financial advisor with two neurons capable of firing simultaneously would advise me to sell down and diversify to limit my risk, no matter how bullish I am on Steem. I believe in Steem, I just don't want to bet more than 20% of my net worth on it.


feel free to upvote my posts cause I am awesome. For 2 million sp, fuck it, I will even suck your dick.


hey well now that you just powered up 2 million steempower i have a feeling youre ready to invest a little more, and I predict your 2 million SPO will go from being worth around $600k to being worth over $10 million dollars in next few years.

I just made a Post celebrating your 2 million steem power up :D

Youd put me on trending with an upvote to test out that marvelous new steempower :D Placing me on an auto upvote service would lift my spirits so high I would be creating so much steem propaganda id single handedly push the price back to $1 :D Its a win win win bro :D

Wow, the power up will give people reasons to stay and keep to rebuild their confidence on Steem.

@ben you did great

Please make use of your SP to support good content and witnesses. You can make a big difference. We need some whales to counter the vote selling business.

counter the vote selling business

^ Please, this.

In the words of Uncle Ben:

with great power comes great responsibility.

Or with great stake comes great responsibility to preserve the value of that stake. This stands in contrast to users seeking more stake in a manner that devalues that very stake. Yes, I'm talking about vote selling.

Perhaps, @ben will be the one to usher in a new era on this platform bringing back proof-of-brain and banishing the squirrely bots to the nether realm where they belong.

I know 2 Mil SP would hardly be enough to do it on its own but a stake like that could likely generate a lot of momentum from other accounts ( a "Follow the leader" effect).

If Ben starts flagging excessive vote buyers, I'm sure plenty others would be glad to follow suite. Hell, I know I would. I would even try to raise funds for the man using my signature methods.

Hey, a fella can dream! 😛

It would be great to have some whales doing this. Fish of all sizes benefit from a rising tide and the current trajectory could lead to a drought.

Charming. What did I do to upset you? I'm just a humble Steemian who cares about building the platform. It looks like you made the wrong enemies.

It's what happens when you are talking to an alt.

no please , do not help this STEEM thief . There are many scammers here and @steevc is in the top .
We need freedom of speech back , enough of those nazi lunatics who want to decide what gets posted .

You flatter me and I didn't ask for anything for myself. I don't have enough power to do much at all. I just give a shit about making Steem better. Flagging is not censorship.

oh sorry , its Clark correct ?

  • we have your pictures .........

I have nothing to hide. Who are these 'good people' I've flagged?

The irony is that I would support some of the stuff you post about (only some), but you have trashed your account by fighting the wrong battles.

If you are sending the FBI around can it be this agent?


I fight for what is right and no , you'll get your nasty British cops

@smidge-tv is a worthless piece of shit who does nothing by make empty threats like a little fucking pussy.

And, a little !popcorn for the slow kids entertainment.

@smidge-tv is a worthless piece of shit who does nothing by make empty threats like a little fucking pussy.

And, a little !popcorn for the slow kids entertainment.

yes you very much benefit from your 'making steemit better' . 'Flagging is not censorship' , I agree . I also agree one or two flags now or then is fine . But what your group is doing is worse than crime . You are bot flagging some of the best posts from some really good people . you are disgusting scum

What is your lat name Steve ? I want to sue your 'I fight only winnable battles' cowardly ass

@smidge-tv is a worthless piece of shit who does nothing by make empty threats like a little fucking pussy.

And, a little !popcorn for the slow kids entertainment.

@smidge-tv is a worthless piece of shit who does nothing by make empty threats like a little fucking pussy.

And, a little !popcorn for the slow kids entertainment.

@ben is not liking your website, didn't voted up! whales don't like to get watched.

oh right, it's understandable haha!

I'm no mathematician but this makes you a millionaire ?

Wow! It is @ben here, one of the top on the chart! I am very honored to be showing you relevant data on my creation. 20% is a very large value for you, and I would agree on not taking too much risk. Cheers!

JAh love <3🌲🌹🐣🐤💥💣💜💛💚💙

Get down with the kick down ain't gotta be a baller to spare a dollar @calebotamus good times 💕💙💚💛

@ben You currently have over 100 years worth of 50 Steem for each day. Are you looking to provide your posterity with this stuff? I'm not sure I understand your life planning. People like me would be thrilled to live on 5 Steem a day or less. Do you plan to hire people to make Steem better, because you want it to be better; for the sake of the human race? If that is the case, I respect you that much more. But the reality of holding that Steem is that now you don't have the resources to keep the value of Steem high through buying. But I respect your plan whatever it is.

How simple is dog's life and happiness, @higomex?