Get to Know Me a Little Better + My Thoughts on the Current Steemit Ecosystem

One thing that HF20 did achieve by putting me out of action for all this time is give me time to think and deliberate on my next actions. Before I go deeper into that, I want to share a bit more about who I am with the steemit community.
I wrote my short introduction post 12 days now and WOW, the days that have followed have been a chaotic rollercoaster to say the least.

Who is this Guy?

My name is Ben Giles and I'm 23 years old. I was born in Vienna, Austria and lived there for the first seven years of my life before moving to NZ. I still have family and friends back there which continually encourages me to keep some of my Austrian heritage and stay on top of my Deutsch. In saying that I feel like a kiwi (what we refer to ourselves as) through and through and have done so almost as soon as I got off the plane in NZ for the first time. I think it's mostly a combination of poor organization skills, spur of the moment attitude and solace in always being barefoot.

Me and my girlfriend exploring

Growing up and going through the schooling system I never knew what I wanted to do as a profession, although I was very interested in the sciences and health. With those interests one would naturally assume it would lend itself to being a doctor. I thought about it solidly during my last year of high school, more specifically the last 2 months haha. I eventually went with something a little left-field in Osteopathy and never looked back. I can talk at great length about what an Osteopath does and the philosophy behind it but that is for another day. In NZ to be a qualified Osteopath you first have to do a bachelors of science, majoring in anatomy and physiology. Then it requires a further 2 years to complete a Masters in Osteopathy which requires a research dissertation, which I just completed last week. Thank Fuck!

The Osteopathy clinic I will be working in

Additionally, I have also been a caddie for the past 3 years to support me financially through university. For the golfers out there il leave a pic of the course for you to guess where :)


First and foremost I am an avid adventurer and love exploring new places. Im completely split down the middle introversion and extraversion. Hence why I love getting twisted with mates and long night outs but equally, could just as easily spend the night at home reading a book or listening to podcasts.
I know it sounds nerdy but I love to learn. I like to get fixated on a topic and study every aspect to it. Specific interests are natural health, exercise and sports rehab, neuroscience, politics, philosophy, sustainable solutions including renewable energy, artificial intelligence and of course everything crypto!

I'm also a mad keen sportsman and always have been. I have dabbled in many sports over the years including rugby, volleyball, squash but mostly play football (soccer) and golf at the moment.
My favourite meal is the humble pizza! As for the drink, I got to give it to beer, closely followed by ice tea.

Thoughts about Steemit

I have known about steemit for the past 18 months but have only been active on the platform for the last 2 weeks really.
Beginning this journey on steem, I was super excited about this project and thought it was the answer to the centralized social media institutions such as facebook. I saw it as a dynamic shift, bringing value back to the users of the platform instead of lining the pockets of an elite few. A chance to establish a democracy within a social medial platform were the users have a voice and as a collective make decisions to improve the usability of the platform. How wrong I was. True democracies are hard to come by in today's world and as far as I can tell steemit inc. certainly doesn't fit this bill either. Its just the same a few steemians with stacked wallets call the shots for the rest of us and we just have to deal with it. I learnt of the likes of @freedom and others who have huge amounts of SP and able to prop up the top 20 witnesses with their votes. A system such as this renders the platform powerless to change and leaves almost all valued steemians without a leg to stand on. I don't have the answers but currently the rules are set up to maintain a centralized oligarchy and I am quickly losing the desire to tell my friends and family to make a steemit account and leave facebook behind. I believe a good start would be to give all steemians who have shown their worth on the platform an equal vote/say for the witnesses that get chosen to represent all of us, regardless of SP. Voting inclusion criteria could be to have a certain reputation score to limit spammers and give a voice to those who add value to the platform. What that number is, I don't know but again a democratic process should decide.

I might sound like a pessimist but I certainly have not lost hope, we just have a long road ahead of us. I'm going to stick with steemit for the time being and see what develops as I badly want this project to be successful. This next week, however, I'm going to do as much research on the top witnesses as I can before casting an educated vote. I really care who represents this magnificent platform and want to see it develop in a way the majority of users are happy with. I encourage all readers to do the same.


Hey man, welcome :) Still talking German as well? Greets, @theaustrianguy

Nur ein bisschen :) Conversationally I'm fine but reading and writing is tough for me. Just followed you @theaustrianguy, I like your style

@bengiles, you don't have to be pessimistic about #Steemit, at least in my view. You've been doing quite well on Steemit, at least in my view.
When I started using #Steemit one whale constantly downvoted me. I got very discouraged. My start was not very good. I stopped using #Steemit. Yes, in my view #Steemit is still to some extent centralized, but it is much better than Facebook, etc. Plus, keep in mind, that Steemit is constantly slowly slowly decentralizing... I've been observing this process and I've become more optimistic about the Steem blockchian ecosystem. Now I do believe in Steemit.

Btw, I was a student in Vienna, Austria. I did my Master Degree in Vienna. I lived there for 3 years.

Happy Steeming!

Cheers for the words of encouragement! :)

WOW a great post and in my eyes, you really did put the most important stuff on the table! Freue mich Dich hier gefunden zu haben und freue mich ebenso auf Deinen naechsten post!

Herzliche Gruesse @anutu!

Vielen Dank @anutu really appreciate the support and resteem!
Ich hoffe du magst meine zukünftigen Posts :)

Freue mich auf mehr @bengiles ... bin auch nicht mehr in D ... die Welt ist einfach zu gross und zu schoen ... :)

This is one of the best introductory posts that I've seen here in the last 6 months! I hope you will get to like the platform bit more :)
Welcome and I'm looking forward to see your posts!

Wow, big compliment. Thanks so much!

Steem is more like an experiment in anarcho-capitalism, rather than a true democracy. It makes sense in some ways and is very weird in other ways.

Thanks to @anouk.nox, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Yes thats exactly what I am starting to realise.
I really appreciate the support, it really means a lot! I while try my best to create quality content that others can enjoy :)

Hi there!!!

Nice to have you on board! I hope you wont get dismayed by the new system of HF20. Nonetheless, it is never too late to become active here. It is fun to be here and part of the platform. For sure you will gain more friends and communities along the way.

I suggest that you keep a watch on your RESOURCE CREDITS! Do not let it go down to almost zero. Hehehe

Again welcome and enjoy!

See ya around! 😊

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Thanks for the heads up :) I was getting a little frustrated with my resource credits so bought some steem and powered it up a couple days ago, now I have more freedom to post, comment and upvote! So all in all I'm very happy and thanks again for stopping by to read my post :) Many more to come!

Tell me about it! Hahahahaha i got mine dropped to 18% 3 days ago!! And I could do pretty much nothing..

Yeah it really gets frustrating because of the set restrictions of HF20. But somehow it had eliminated a few spammer. Though the good spammers were also affected..

Great that you were able to buy steem now! We fear for new users who could not afford to buy steem. They will probably get discouraged on their 1st week unless they are very dedicates and persistent to make it and stand through..

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Yea haha thats what worried me to about HF20, that new users were not gonna be able to be as active on the platform as they like. Most of those issues have already been resolved now though and I believe steemit has a bright future :)

I had my RC's down to 1% lol got a little too carried away :D

Hahahaha ayyyye you have that excitement kicking out.. i feel you there brother!

Now with RC around it kinda sucks a bit.. haha it kept our engagement on limited! I am not used to it for i love hopping around, messing and annoying people with their posts! 😉😄

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It usually works better than this but you sure chose a bad time to get started.
In just two weeks you have already worked out the part that 90% of people on Steemit don't get. A bunch of inbred dickheads have way too much control. But I think this balls up has brought that more out in the open and may actually help

Hell, people are even starting to realise what the "royal" family really is despite being bred to be peasants for 400+ years

Haha yea what a time to arrive, oh well still glad to be here :)

Don't get me started on the royals lol. Seeing that pic of Harry and Megan takes me back to something Andreas Antonopoulus said in one of his talks when referring to the wealth shift we are likely to see due to cryptocurrency adoption.
It went something like this, "I'd rather the new 1% (in terms of wealth) is in the hands of people who had the insight to create and take risks in new innovative technology instead of the people who were born rich as their great grandparents killed more people than my great grandparents".

On another note, let me fucken comment steemit!!! waiting....... waiting......waiting
Sorry @frot I wanted to be hasty with my reply but my resource credits won't allow it :/

lol … glad to hear someone make fun of the royal family. I get so tired of all the media obsession.

Hello, welcome on Steemit

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Hello friend.
Take my welcome.

Welcome to the amazing world of Blogging and Sharing. Make sure to post only Original content, and keep patience to succeed. Also do help in community development through interacting and engagement. Hope you hace a Blessed & Happy Stay.....Steem on !!


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