The children of Bangladesh who are victims of sexual harassment in their own homes

in Freewriters4 years ago

According to child rights activists in Bangladesh, ninety percent of the country's children are victims of various forms of sexual abuse ranging from rape within the family to unwanted physical contact.

In some cases, children are being sexually abused by close relatives, especially fathers, uncles, or brothers.

'One night something suddenly fell on me. I'm scared. I don't understand what's going on. "

The twenty-one-year-old girl was repeatedly shaking her throat as she went to describe the extremely humiliating incident that happened to her seven years ago.

'' This goes on day after day. One day I realize that my father is coming up to me every night. "

As a teenager, her father raped her day after day.

First by misunderstanding, then by showing fear. But the rape every night did not stop for a day. The girl was then an eighth grader.

One day her father took her to the doctor. She goes to the doctor and finds out that she is pregnant.

'' I went to the bathroom late at night. My cousin was probably lying next to me. As soon as he came out, he grabbed my face and took me behind the bushes.

"That's where he defeated me," he said.

The girl was telling BBC Bangla about the incident four years ago.

The incident he suppressed. But one day she discovers she's pregnant. Then he is forced to inform the guardian.

The guardians, however, wanted to settle the matter and took the initiative to marry the girl to her cousin. But the guardians took refuge in the law as the cousin was bent over.


Seeing the woman and listening to her, he feels nothing but a teenager. But he is now forty years old.

The hair of the head is cut short. The woman, who is four feet tall and weighs about 30 kg, has bruises on her hands and face. The message is somewhat incoherent.

I'm not sure if that was the result of that childhood torture, but his mother had the same idea.

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