Geoengineering: Ice Nucleation

in #geoengineering7 years ago

Let's Talk about Hail

A person that has gone through a bad hail storm can attest to the utter devastation that they can leave behind. This includes a ton of property damage and even death! The world record death toll from a hail storm is two hundred and forty-six people, recorded in Uttar Pradesh India. These deadly projectiles can get huge, some of the biggest in U.S. history struck Aurora Nebraska measuring up to seven inches or almost eighteen millimeters in diameter. Some hail balls have weighed in at over a pound and a half or three quarters of a kilo.


Weaponizing the Weather

What well equipped army wouldn’t want to rain down terrorizing chunks of ice on their enemies positions? They all do and now they can through a process called chemical ice nucleation. When enough moisture is available to them, climate engineers can use these nucleation chemicals to form a seed for giant deadly hail balls to form on top of. The perfect weapon to wage war with no commitment or formal declaration needed.

War Crime

Dane Wigington gives some good insight into the plans and workings of this war crime at and in the video below. Think what you might but the facts are simple, billions of dollars go to DARPA and untold other dark and black op military projects with little to no oversight by elected officials. If you trust a bunch of deep state spies to do the right thing behind closed doors you are sorely mistaken. These psychopaths get paid to come up with new and interesting ways to kill, maim and control people. Do your own research and see what is taking place all over the world.


Interesting hypothesis...and I wouldn't put something like this beyond big money.

exactly... and what makes more money than war?


War mostly kills people.. Geoengineering can make people ill for a lifetime -> that is the real money source ..

this is true, and the reason the insurance companies make so much money... they want you to die, but very very slowly...

sucks, man.

Fuck these people, damn, can't they just let us be haha. I read somewhere that the chem trails stopped, did you hear any word of that? I'm not sure it's true because I thought I saw some over my town the other day, criscrossing patterns that don't dissipate

It is happening daily actually. If you observe the "planes" in the sky you will soon differentiate which are the geo-planes and which are the civilian planes. Civilian planes do not fly over cities as constantly as the geo-planes do. They also do not leave condensation for days. Once hot air reaches atmosphere temp it vanishes and is no longer seen, this is the cold reservoir concept from physics. A reservoir that is hot or cold and is large will experience little change to the temperature. Take a look at a boiling kettle of water. Does the steam stay in your room like a cloud? It vanishes because your room is a cold reservoir and the steam reaches room temp. in seconds; therefore the white steam blends and vanishes with the room air. Same thing with civilian planes; the steam is hardly seem and lasts for seconds. The stuff that stays in the air is chemicals reacting with atmosphere. Observe long enough and you will connect the dots.

I know. They must be sub-humans to want disasters all the time. SimCity game, recall?

hey jakey... yeah, i think they're still happening unfortunately. I had a friend tell me they're moving to spraying at night so we can't see so well, but I'm also working on a new post i'll put up in a minute with pics above my house just a few days ago...


@bethalea thanks for the lecture am amazed i never knew about this will do a reasearch.thanks

good luck @endowedqueen! I'll be posting more in a bit. :)

It was very dangerous to try to manipulate nature in that way, in Venezuela they tried to make it rain in time of drought and then many people suffered skin problems with lead poisoning

oh, @aerossone, that is so terrible. I don't understand why people think these are no big deal, manipulating our weather like this.

5G has me a little freaked out more than anything else these days.

you know... it's fallacy to think that having all of this flying around us with will result in zero adverse affects.

Whoa!!!!!! this is fascinating... i didn't know that you blogged about this stuff! I think its so clear that these things happen... you said it perfectly here

If you trust a bunch of deep state spies to do the right thing behind closed doors you are sorely mistaken.

It's sad - but we really have to be as informed and as protected as we can be. (not everyone can.... and that's sad.) but we do what we can. Thank you for sharing this stuff! i love investigating and i'm a little bit of a conspiracy theorist hehehehee :)

hahahaa, hey! yeah, this is a fairly new topic for me and I'm just ... mind blown. I've also gone from freaking out about everything to shutting down and staying in bed, lol, so I'm tryna pace myself! There is so much out there we aren't being told, it's just scary and frustrating. So balance with say... a bit of awesome fiction... from time to time is just what I need!!


Funny that I find this post, as my boyfriend came home last week (when it was raining really hard for an hour here in Budapest)and told me outside Budapest there was hail falling down about the size I see on these pictures.. I told him about the things I read before that they make this happen on purpose, and we were thinking about how these monster balls of hail can kill easily :( Thanks for sharing!

oh my goodness! how scary! I've never seen hail this big before, but regular hail is still scary!! Stay safe, both of you!!

I never saw these either.. but it was a colleague of my boyfriend who lives just outside of Budapest.. and there these huge things fell from the sky.. I would be scared if I was walking outside with my two year old when these would fell down ... I hope to never see them ;)