"Volumes for reflection of light and shadows" blue pen

in OnChainArt5 years ago
Hello friends of "STEEMIT", 2 years ago I did this drawing work, using the blue pen technique, but it was not very receptive in the community, remember that we used few labels before and There were not these organized communities that we have now, my expectation for this work at that time was high, but seeing the days go by and seeing that it did not have the desired impact, I was overwhelmed and puzzled, despite the time I used, which were approximately 30 hours at intervals of 5 hours per day, today I want to give this work a second chance to be exhibited in the "OnChainArt" community, I hope you have a pleasant time and can enjoy art.

"Volumes for reflection of light and shadows"

Hola amigos de "STEEMIT", hace 2 años atrás realice este trabajo de dibujo, en la técnica de bolígrafo azul, pero no tuvo gran receptividad en la comunidad, recordemos que antes usábamos pocas etiquetas y no estaban estas comunidades organizadas que tenemos ahora, mi expectativa para este trabajo en ese momento era alta, pero al ver pasar los días y ver que no tuvo el impacto deseado, quede abrumado y desconcertado, a pesar del tiempo que emplee, que fueron aproximadamente 30 horas en intervalos de 5 horas por día, hoy quiero darle una segunda oportunidad a esta obra de ser expuesta en la comunidad "OnChainArt", espero que pases un momento agradable y puedas disfrutar del arte.

Step 1 - 2 y 3

I make the sketch with the graphite pencil with the code "HB-2", because it is a very clear and easy to erase tone and we proceed to give the first layers of blue pen ink, very gently.

Step 4

In this photograph we can see very clear tiny lines, which form a pattern where textures are formed and project the image.

Step 5

Here we have the table of different tones where I highlight the darkest and lightest areas, this is the most important method in this technique, to master the textures and spread the different tones in the pencil, from a single tone.


Work decorating an interior space


Friends of "Steemit", for me it is a pleasure to share my drawings and explain the process of realization, with the aim that my blog is helpful for many friends interested in the magical world of visual art. I wish you many successes and I say goodbye as always with this thought that makes us grow more every day.

"All the effort in the world doesn't matter if you're not inspired"

(Chuck Palahniuk) Rukh Khan


foto presentacion steemit.png


Hermano! Este es uno de mis trabajos favoritos... Me encantó! Siempre te superas 👍

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Una gran obra como aolo tú la puedes hacer con tu talento artiatico.
Felicidades @betzaelcorvo

Posted using Partiko Android

Excelente como todos tus trabajos mi amigo! 👍

otro excelente trabajo amigo mio.

brutal como siempre, mi pana. Buen manejo del contraste

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