I'm waiting for uncertain love

in #love6 years ago


The love that has grown can not be easily revoked. Although the growth of love does not make us heartened. The more we try to throw it away, the stronger the mind is attached. Today is the day when Fika feels heartbroken, though she has not had time to express her love for Fiki, but with Fiki's departure Fika has no hope for her love.

Like everyday days, Fika is preoccupied with her broadcast schedule on Radio. Yesterday's incident still leaves a deep sadness for him.

"Fika .. are you ill?" Dewi asked Fika.

"Yeah .. I'm a little unwell Wi."

"What's wrong with you? tumben once you look moody today. And I think today, I do not see Fika is always cheerful and jutek. But even though yesterday you were sick, you are not as confused today. What's the matter with Fika? "Dewi asked Fika's suddenly unfocused state like a typical day.

"I do not what the Goddess?"

"The only story to me Fika, who knows I can be your confidant friend. Oh yes .. he said yesterday you're in love with a man, how's the story? Come on, you still have a debt to me. "Dewi persuades Fika to tell her.

"Never mind wi, I'm not in love." Fika scowled.

"Loh .. why not so, that's how you changed your feelings?"

"He has gone wi, he left before I could declare my love, hiks .. hiks .." Fika back tears dripping his eyes.

"Stop it. Cup..cup .. cupp, beautiful child, do not have to cry huh? "Dewi tries to calm Fika and wipes her tears.

"I fell in love with him, somehow my mind was full of his name. But what, he quickly left me. Even before I expressed my feelings. "Fika embraced Dewi and burst into tears.

"Never mind Fika, if it's your soul mate, then he'll come back to you again. You must move on! Like a guy he just wrote. You are beautiful, good girl Fika, surely you will get a good boy too. "Dewi tried to calm Fika.

"But I have to how Wi? Do I have to keep this love deep? Or should I wait for her in uncertainty? "

"Pray to God Fika, calm yourself. God will choose the best way for his people. If you believe it is your true love, then it will return to you. Trust me Fika. "

"Goddess, thanks my best friend. I feel a little relieved to be able to tell you, I'm sure of myself now, if it's my fate. She'll come back for me. I will always wait for him, waiting patiently and sincerely. I hope Fiki also has the same feelings as I am now. I love it so much. "Fika started smiling. And in his heart he was very confident that someday Fiki would return, and would knit love with him. Become his lover like that Fika idam-idam this moment.

  • I'm sure of my feelings and I'll be waiting for him


Like a typical day, after he finished home from work, Fika took the time to go to the favorite park that he always visited. Fika sat in a chair near the mahogany tree. His eyes looked at the whole state of the park. He saw some very happy children playing chases, young people in dating, even a child being picked up by his father around the park. At least by coming to this park, little he can forget the problem.

"Fiki .. I'm sure in my heart, you'll come back, I'm sure that you'll meet me in this park. Yes .. this garden we've met, this garden you are so caring for me, and this is where I started falling in love with you. I hope that my love is not wrong. I'm sure of my feelings. I hope you also have the same feelings as me. Since your departure, I am like a flower that has withered, even almost died. But remember, I will not die. Because I have great expectations. I have love, and I hope you are my love. I also really hope, you have the same feelings with me. Love like me now. I'll always be waiting for you here. "Fika murmured to himself. He was so sure, Fiki would come back again.

Every afternoon, every day, Fika took her time to go to the park. He is very confident in his feelings, he is sure if he will be reunited with his love in that place. Where the love began to grow.

Love is so beautiful. Like the flowers that exist in this park. Perfectly broke. The afternoon breeze is so thrilling the soul. Sunset is so handsome in the sky horizon. The light is so fascinating decorate the ceiling of this garden. Sunset is the time when the evening turns into evening. Forty-seven minutes of sunset came up beautifully on the skyline, forty-seven minutes later, the afternoon would turn into night. The beautiful twilight will turn into a dark and frightening night. Like a meeting and finally a breakup came. No one knows after that. no one knows whether the night will be so beautiful, or it turns into a frightening night. And no one knows what will happen after this break. Farewell is the twilight that turns into night.


I do not know anymore, how long have I been waiting for you here, huuuhh. "Fika breathed deep inside. He is still lulled in his daydreams.

"Every evening, every evening I always come to this place just to wait for you. I do not know with myself. I'm so sure of my feelings, I'm so confident with my love. But in reality, I do not believe in myself. Until now, I do not know how many times, I've come to this park just to wait for you. Stupidly, I still have not heard from you until now. Once I tried to reach you, but your shitless number in my contact was gone. Maybe because yesterday I accidentally deleted it because a lot of unknown numbers came in my cell phone. My second folly, why did not I call Samuel to ask you for your news and whereabouts. I feel ashamed if I have to be honest with Samuel about my fondness for Fiki. I always hope if you're okay there Fiki. I'm so worried about you. I want to meet you, and now I miss you Fiki. I remember when we first met. At first I did not really like you, because I thought all the foreigners were annoying. Apparently my assumption was wrong. The first beginning to meet you, I immediately familiar with you. I do not know what made me like that. You're not a stranger to me. I like meeting you before, but when? I guess that's just my feeling. The second time I accidentally met you at the train station. Hehehhee ... then you treat me, you know not if I really do not like Rawon food, what if the food is so spicy. And once you order for me. Not a word when I turn it down, I'm really surprised when you order Rawon Devil level five. I swear this is the first time I've eaten that one. But at that time I did not mind the food menu of your choice. I was so greedy and even slightly restrained my expression on my face. And until my house got diarrhea. Hahhahaa .. luckily I have some diarrhea and stomach pain medication. I remember it very much. And the third meeting when you forced me to accompany you for a walk. Though I do not feel you're being forced, and I do not mind to take you back then. Apparently you have similarities with me, you like to read novels just like me. And very rarely if there is a guy who is so fond of a novel like you. I'm like getting a friend who is with me. I can easily exchange stories about some novels I've read. And you understand what I am talking about. Maybe because your novel is too much and you've read it all, it makes you not think much to answer my question. That's one of the reasons I'm so comfortable with you. So good to talk to you. And you are a very clever guy paying attention to a girl. This is where you show your attention to me. When I feel pain, you are so worried about my situation. That's what makes me melt with you. Unfortunately that was the last day I met you. Since that day I never heard from you. I miss you Fiki. I miss you. "Fika murmured to himself.

Like the days yesterday, Fika still waiting for the presence of Fiki in the park. He is very hopeful if today he will meet him. although actually meeting with Fiki, is not as easy as imagined. Fiki's departure has come in the third month. He had no idea if so soon Fiki left him, without news and without a message. But Fika did not despair. He always hoped and prayed to be reunited with Fiki in the garden.

The ceiling was so dark. The overcast had covered the twilight that afternoon. So dark. Though the clock still shows at 16.30. Fika did not move from the placesitting down. He was still waiting and dreamily of Fiki's presence. Drizzle started to fall. Drop by drops of rain began to wet his body. Fika did not immediately choose to quickly take shelter from the rain, he still did not move from the place. This time it rained so hard. But not at all make him want to move just to just shelter.

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