in #steemiteducation6 years ago

I must really say that I have not come across a lot of bad teachers, yet they are out there. 

image source

Fortunately I have not seen many. 

Most teachers become teachers because they love children. 

I have always said that the best teachers as well as nurses are the ones who have their own children. 

image source

Once you have children you look at other children differently, because you know that their parents feel about them the same way you feel about yours. 

These parents trust you to be good to your child, as if it is your own, and that is the way it should be. 

Of course we find naughty children as well but the way we handle them is very important as their might be reasons why they are naughty. 

Remember that the way to teach children well is by being a good example, and you might not know what example this child is getting at home. 

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So if you think this child is just naughty because of his home life, make a point of talking to the child and finding out why they are behaving badly. 

Then there are children who just like being naughty, and this is where you must find a way of letting this child know that he is not so important that he can disrupt the whole class as other children want to learn. 

I think he can go and sit outside and listen to the class being taught and not be a problem in class.

image source

He might think twice next time as there might be teachers seeing him sit outside the class and asking him why. 

He then has to confess that he was disruptive in class. He might think twice about doing it again. 

I found this video that this little boy was really very badly treated and it was not even his fault. 

His mother dropped him off and he was late for school but for such a few minutes that he really did not lose any lessens. 

When a child is late do you not think it is important to find out why, they are late and the reason might not be their fault?

By just saying this is the third time you are late therefore you will be punished is really not the way we should treat children. 

I do believe that we should always first try to find out what the problem is and then decide what to do. 

I am putting this video in here to show you how we still find good people in the world and this happened here.   

courtesy of you tube

I really hope you liked the video and that you agree with me as it is not always the child’s fault. I wish you a happy loving children day from me.         


I have friends all around the world. All is good

In the world there are still people willing to do good.
We all need to give and receive.

So true, we always forget that.

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