Something's Fishy About Rose McGowan's Bourdain Revelations and Subsequent Cocaine Indictment

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

McGowan Shuts Down Conspiracy Theories

Rose McGowan showed up on the scene yesterday to denounce any and all conpsiracy theories around Weinstein being involved in Anthony Bourdain's murder^^[1][2][3][4] by promoting this idea that Bourdain was depressed, talked about suicide a lot and wanted to die. She claimed Argento wanted her to come forward:

“In the beginning of their relationship, Anthony told a mutual friend, ‘He’s never met anyone who wanted to die more than him.’ And through a lot of this last year, Asia did want the pain to stop,” McGowan continued. “…thankfully, she did the work to get help, so she could stay alive and live another day for her and her children. Anthony’s depression didn’t let him, he put down his armor, and that was very much his choice. His decision, not hers. His depression won.”

source: Rose McGowan: Anthony Bourdain sought help before suicide

In fact, several stories came out trying to debunk any "murder" narrative. This made my spider senses perk up, because those connections and multiple modus operandi spread out among the 'usual suspects'--those pointed out by others actually make sense.

Argento DID say quite publicly that Weinstein raped her (see links above). Weinstein recently turned himself in, and why would he do that? Because he's got leverage to play on Clinton's pedonetwork--which does exist by mountains of evidence, well beyond the suggestions of the same in the Podesta email trove, the Abedin trove from the state dept, the connections to Laura Silsby and the 33 kidnapped Haitian kids. Those are just the tip of an enormous iceberg.

One debunk narrattive that emerged coincidentally ("yeah right") with McGowans' revelations is that Bourdain used a pharma med called CHANTIX before, whose side effects include a remarkably high rate of suicide ideation. I don't know the number but IIRC it's over 1%, which is a problem. Also, they have every reason to lie about that number with bullshit science to make it look not as bad.

Ok so Bourdain took Chantix to quit smoking.

Before His Death, Anthony Bourdain Once Admitted to Taking Drug Linked to Hundreds of Suicides

Was he taking it at the time he killed himself? No. He took it in 2012 and it worked for him. That was 6 yrs ago. How is this relevant? It's not. He joked about people becoming 'stabby' in a tweet. He joked about death a lot. Is that relevant? I don't think so. He was just an irreverant kind of nihilistic, old school punk-ethic type of guy who said stuff like this. Anyone watching his shows knows that.

This Chantix narrative was inept and desperately grasping at a debunk attempt

There were numerous coincident news stories yesterday about depression medicine and suicide, about celebrity suicides being up, trying to link suicides to the economy, trying to link suicides to the opioid use (as opposed to say veterans getting project cassandra related counterfeit pills from the VA containing repilled animal pharma fentanyl and accidentally overdosing, but that's another story...).

All of these stories are attempts by the media to 'make sense' of these celebrity deaths, but the net effect is that they normalize them and thereby act as thought-terminating cliche's ("look, hun, another celeb death") that inhibit further inquiry when it's absolutely warranted.

I, like others, find it hard to believe that Anthony Bourdain, now with a young daughter and the love of his life, at the top of his career, to decide to take his own life. It just doesn't make any sense to me. If this wasn't an autoerotic asphyxiation terminal mistake ('the David Carridine') that the media / his friends are trying to hide in order to save his face, then it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. The place, the method, the timing, the lack of motive...none of it makes sense to anyone.

This is why when I read the McGowen piece, I was immediately infuriated. In my mind, there is something to these conspiracy theories, and this person was trying to cover it up. F*ck her, was my immediately gut reaction to that pagesix piece.

Reminder: Weinstein's network is Clintons' network

At this point of public understanding, this doesn't need further proof--do your own research--that Weinstein's network is Clinton's network. It is the case that if Weinstein goes down, it's going to lead back to the Clintons as he narc's them out in order for a reduced sentence. The Clintons have left behind a wake of deceased associates that defies statistically probability of unlikelihood of no foul play. In other words, they kill people who rat them out, because the Clintons are non-official CIA and this is what they do.

Prominent others who know about the activities of, or are involved directly with this network of criminals will defend Harvey Weinstein as human shields through leveraging their media presence as propaganda in order to shift public opinion toward more sympathetic outcomes in the legal and political domain. They are trying to win hearts and minds to save their superiors

McGowen Indicted. Fakenews as Reduced Sentence?

Actress Rose McGowan Indicted on Cocaine Charge in Virginia

Call it schadenfreude, but to my amusement and surprise, McGowen was in the news again today, this time indicted by a grand jury on a felony cocaine charge levied against her last year. What? It's important to note that McGowan was one of Weinstein's first accusers, and she claims that he planted drugs in her 'lost wallet' left behind on a plane, assumingly at VA airport, because the court overseeing this is Loundoun county, VA

McGowan has maintained the cocaine isn’t hers, suggesting in court papers that the drugs were planted at the behest of movie producer Harvey Weinstein

My gut reaction this time was that her piece in pagesix yesterday was a defense of Weinstein as a kind of quid pro quo (scratch my back I'll scratch yours), by trying to annihilate any conspiracy theories in order to appease Clintons criminal network which owns all the judges, everywhere, but especially in VA and DC

So maybe this bought McGowan bought just a reduced sentence---from herself being suicided to simply a felony possesion of a small amount of refined plant material.

I wonder who else is going to debunk Anthony Bourdain conspiracy theories in order to NOT be suicided by the Clintons



Where did you here about the #informationwar ? Just curious as I see that you have been gone from steemit for 2 years ;)

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