Why Border Patrol and ICE Should Issue Paternity Tests, And What Happens When Parent-Child Tests Come Back Negative

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

color revolution

They Ruined Fathers Day

This Fathers' Day, 2018, the mainstream media outlets' leftist agenda is very obviously to make Fathers' Day about 'separated families' of immigrants at the border.

Needless to say, as a media-addicted culture we're engaged in a kind of worldview warfare, whereby on the Left you have 'separated families' who are increasingly outraged at Don Jr. posing in the pool with his happy kids, a picture that on the Right appears as any ordinary Father's Day to a non-Trump-Deranged person: an absolutely ordinary Hallmark moment.

Since the left's agenda is to undermine the Presidency based on accusations and allegations of xenophobia and misanthropy, they completely miss the alternative counternarrative from the the Trumpist right: which is that people like George Soros, David Brock, Barack Obama, Angela Merkle, Eric Schmidt, Peter Omidyar and their constellated co-conspirators are running a globalist game plan to weaponize migrants to invade, disrupt, diminish, degrade culture for various reasons, including but not limited to a) adding to the pool of illegal democrat votes; b) altering the voter demographic of regions in favor of the democratic party; c) adding to the pool of potential criminals (boots on the ground) to carry out repugnant illegal activities such as trafficking of drugs, weapons and humans AND terror activities to justify gun-grabbing (gun walking); d) bringing in diseases (population vector--as population control); e) increase the pool of potential compatible organ providers for the underground immortality fetishist elite movement

Before you think worldview B is something hatched in the minds of tinfoil wearing conspiratards: know that EACH of these points has already been proven, some of these have been proven for years. Just because we live in a lawless kakistocracy that hasn't brought the International ruling class to justice, doesn't mean they didnt' do these things. If you wish to verify these claims, all the documents needed are on reddit in the /r/truthleaks forum and wiki, with transcripts of George Webb's series which leads to much more research; and by research we mean court documents at the FBI. Need I remind you that the 'grand conspiracy' of the deepstate has already been proven by the FBI itself--in their own documents!

The Argument For Paternity Tests and Penalties

At any rate, to quash any kind of 'separated from families' type of agenda-driven obvious propaganda--obvious because you don't see equivalent outrage about killed hero cops or killed hero soldiers--we should be giving paternity tests, since these will show that some parents aren't theirs

Meaning that they are trafficking unknown children into the us. They are basically throwing children at the US, leaving babies at our doorstep.

In this case, of course we should take care of the kid, after all, they would be a de facto asylee as a parentless minor.

paternity test

But the flipside is that the (non) "parent" is now a human trafficker, and that entitles us to treat the "parent" as the foreign criminal they are: an enemy combatant, a terrorist. It would enable us to send this person to a blackops site for information extraction.

anti-trafficking eo

And that information of course, per Trump's anti-trafficking Executive Order would thus enable us to follow up the chain to who hired this person to traffick children. Ultimately it would lead to Soros and that would mean Trump would be entitled to seize 100% of Soros' assets no matter where on Earth he is.


I use "Soros" as a catch-all globalist arch-villain. Because he's run these revolutions before, he's the primary suspect in terms of historical modus operandi. But it could just as easily be a Clinton or an Obama that's a Soros; either way, we're infected, globally, with Global Sorosis and that much is imminently obvious to any person with common sense who has been reading the increasingly deranged world we live in.

Paternity tests will lead back to Soros or whomever is weaponizing migrant populations. That's why you do it. It would make on-the-spot paternity tests a justification to launch task-forces and would entitle the US FBI / CIA and other intelligence units to act in all countries of origin for captive traffickers.

The process of interrogation can even be recorded and shown to populations in those countries, saying something like 'it better be your kid, or this will be you'. Propaganda leaflets, for example, have been effective in the past at wartime, and trust me, we are in fact at war. Only this war is being fought with color revolution tactics: with information, migration, rights, propaganda / psychology / worldview (gaslighting) and various acts of terrorism

(Author's note) Now I'd love to link to these things, and perhaps I will--if and only if there is interest in this post. But given the disproportionate level of effort in writing these things versus linking, I'm only going to do that if thoughtfully challenged in the comments, because otherwise it's really not worth our time: you have the same internet I have, and I told you where to go, and the only reason you'd fight me on these things is if you don't already know them, or have a pathological uncuriousness and simply think that calling me names or something is a way to win arguments, so i'm not having it. I will be glad to help anyone who is respectful AND curious and open minded--I'm here to learn and to share what I know, not to waste my time arguing with obviously paid internet trolls that might not even be other humans but human mimicking software run by tax dollars to boot! Meantime I'm just going to type as quickly as I think and let you decide if you want the links


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Human Trafficking and A Weapon in the War Against It.
Our Purpose

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