Godspeed son Godspeed.... deployment to Afghanistan

in #family6 years ago


My oldest son is leaving for duty in Afghanistan with his unit yesterday. We are a military family so it's not a big deal for us because we all know the dangers that come with the honor of service to our great country.

I am not worrying over what may happen because you absolutely cannot dwell on those thoughts. He is doing what he loves and I fully support him in that.

He is coming to an end of his service in a couple of years in which he plan to continue his college education at North Carolina A&T State University where he went there for his freshman year.

I love my son and I am proud of the man he is developing into.


Hey @bigblueleadsled!
I'll be taking you under my under my wing... Sir. I've always got room for one more Vet...
Coming at you from the outskirts of Canadian Forces Base, 424 squadron and 8 wing Trenton. (Canada's largest air force base.)
Here's to an "uneventful"tour and your son's safe return home. :)
This changes everything...I mean now, I've got to give some careful thought to what I roll into that blunt we're going to share...
Special reserve and top shelf all the way. ;)

Oh hell yeah!!!

I also have my youngest son in the Army stationed in Anchorage, Alaska.

That's awesome man! I greatly appreciate your sons service to our country!

A great big "thank you" to your son for his service!

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