The choice to stay happy lies in your hands

in Project HOPE13 days ago

I am so interested in being a happy soul; you see some people, and you just wonder why they seem to be so happy. It is not even as though life is perfect for them, but the decision to remain happy is just one path they have chosen for themselves, and nothing can break it.

I learned from an author what he considers the sustainable habits that have helped him to live happily for some period now.


He has learned to see the good in others, and this is a strong point because most of the time, we allow people's behavior to affect our mood; most of the time, we tend to overthink situations that are not even really much of a big deal.

Let's say, for instance, you greet a store owner, and she doesn't respond well or was not even in a cheerful mood, and all that; it is expected that you feel disappointed and probably begin to speak to your friends about it, even if you might not like to agree with me, but at that point, you feel unhappy about the situation.

But let's take a look at the same situation from another angle. What if you simply discard her attitude with the excuse that she may not just be in the right frame of mind or may be going through so much? In this case, you concentrate on your own happiness and peace of mind. Does this make sense?

The author claims to also try to live from the heart rather than the head. According to this writer, speaking on the way to happiness, he expressed that allowing our head to control our emotions may hinder our true happiness most of the time. Ego is one strong barrier to happiness; when we allow our pride to control us, it controls the decisions we make, as well as the actions we take, and by extension, our happiness too.


Practicing gratitude seems to be a scarce commodity in a world where everyone seems to complain about everything. When your mind is trained to always look for positivism and reasons to be grateful, it creates a happier space and more reason to be positive as an individual.

Gratitude helps our mental health; a lot of things happen around us at the same time, and there is only a little to what we can take at the end of the day. If we position our minds to focus on the negatives, then that is what it would take, and if the opposite is the case, expect that to happen too.

We need to learn to be grateful for the good things we experienced even if they happened a few days ago or a few months ago, rather than just focusing on the ugly side of things.

When you give, it is better not to expect anything in return. When you give with a heart of expectations and don't get it at the end of the day, it creates a void in your heart. Learn to give to those who deserve it, so even when you do, it is from a genuine space and you are not expecting anything in return.


Some of us also shy away from receiving from others; as much as you love to give, try to receive too, as they are both important. When people gift you, make it a habit to genuinely appreciate it and let them know how excited you are about it. It is never a bad thing to receive as much as you also give.

Circumstances of life may present themselves in the most ugly form, but accept what it is and move on quickly from it. When life happens, the best way to overcome the situation is to pick out the gold from the mud; with that in mind, you are able to stay happy through the storm.

The Author I referred to


Nobody should make the choice for us to stay happy. We can continue to be happy as time goes on. I am so sure of that. Things will get better as time goes on as I am so sure of that certainly