My photography - Countryside (Original) 收获稻谷

in #photography7 years ago

These days the East China region continued high temperatures, reaching more than 35, noon temperatures more than 40 degrees, many villages in China, fewer and fewer people, many villages are only left behind the elderly, more than 60 years old, many of the land was Abandoned, in our hometown Wuning, many outsiders contracted these fields, the rent is 300-400 yuan per year, they are very special way of farming, do not need to cultivate, directly in the paddy field sprinkle seeds, this new Farming techniques are said to harvest more than 800 kg per acre, only one season harvest, and our local people are still continuing the old farming methods, one year planting rice , together to enjoy!
这几天华东地区持续的高温,到达35以上,正午的气温超过了40度,许多乡村,人越来越少了,许多村庄都只有留守的老人,年龄都在60以上,许多土地被荒弃,在我们的家乡武宁,许多外地人把这些田地承包了,租金一年是300-400/亩, 他们种田的方式很特别,不需要耕种,直接在稻田撒种子,这种新的耕种技术据说收成达每亩800公斤以上,一年只收获一季,而我们当地老百姓还在延续着古老的耕种方法,一年种植稻谷两季,早稻和晚稻. 这是我回家乡拍摄的一组照片, 农民正在收割稻谷,一起来欣赏



Hope you like!



It's a very good rice master @birds90 does china have any special tricks to plant rice,? We here plant rice always do not find the maximum result at harvest, because always in attack disease. I hope you can give us a little suggestion.

I love the rice field, I hope everyone is staying safe from the heat.

thums up

Two thumbs up!

Elrond Huston Aka ehuston

Very nice photos friend.

Thank you for showing your country. It is very beautiful. Especially the old way. The internet is wonderful to bring us all together from everywhere. Your China is very nice.

Very cool pictures! I love seeing this side of places. I don't think I'd ever see if visiting China unless I went out of my way to do it. Thanks for sharing! I'll come see your beautiful country some day!

Nice special way of farming

Nice Picture of paddy.
Please follow me @patricksanlin and upvote. Thanks

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