Effect of growth in new users on payouts

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The growth in users on Steemit has been significant but does this growth mean less reward per post? The graphs and table below show the rise in daily posts, the movement in the steem price and the payout per post over the period between the 1st April and the of 30th May.

You will see that while the number of posts has risen significantly, the growth in steem price (which directly affects rewards available to distribute) has grown at a fast pace meaning there are even more awards available per post than before.

As long as the steem price growth is greater than the growth in users, the rewards per post will increase.





Really interesting data.
Basically, the more people and content are on steemit, the more the value of Steem will be and the rewards will increase.
Pretty neat

But now its going down ((

Hey man this is very interesting, where do you find this info? I would be very interested in taking a closer look to the data. Great post, very good written summary.

Hey, I get it from steemdata using mongodb to extract the data and R and Sas to do analysis

Oh damn, the days I used SQL are way behind me and that is as far as I got on data analysis. Mongodb and r and Sas are words beyond my comprehension. I guess I thought it was a page that summarized information, not the data base itself! I´ll have to settle with your summaries then, which are indeed helpful.

Check out steemdata for some cool charts and steemdb in the 'labs' tab has some really interstjng data.

Oh that sounds simpler, I guess today that I have time I will do it! Thanks for the tip man,

@bitgeek, I too am an old dino, and I can tell you, SQL has little do with big data anymore. In fact the system he uses, MongoDB is in a class of data stores, specifically called "NoSQL" db's. This guy makes it sound easy, but he's doing rocket science stuff, using R and Sas to do this.

Thank you, great information and an amazing motivation for new steemit users !!

Cool, interesting to see what happens as Steemit continues to grow

Interesting. I'm sure many have been wondering about that.

Really insightful. Great Share! Win Win More users more money! I am recently new to steem withing the last week. I am very excited to see what this platform develops into.

That's a good correlation and it ought to work this way. Financially speaking, more the volumes => more robust demand and supply for the currency as a whole.

It will be more interesting if you can compare the average curation (votes and comments) per post made an year ago to today. I am not talking about rewards, rather only the count of it. It will possibly tell how much growth this platform is seeing holistically.

thank you for the research!
it will be interesting how the chart evolves in june.

let´s hope the best!!

i think it more important to determine the impact new users have on the value of steem, than the SPV.... like you said, as long as the value of steem increases along with the increase of users we'll be fine. If steem is a fixed amount(QTY), then how is it that the steem will not dillute with the increase of users??

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