A Japanese female nurse is strangely missing from her home! The whole society has been searching for a year to no avail, but now the murderer who finds the bone is the one on the pillow

in #japanese4 years ago


In May last year, a passing resident found a female body that had been turned into a bone in the forest of Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan.

After the police arrived, after a series of on-site traces and DNA comparisons of the remains, it was finally determined that the bone was the nurse Ms. Chiba Megumi who disappeared in Hiraizumi Town, Iwate Prefecture in May 2019.

As the last person to see Megumi Chiba, according to her husband Yusuke Chiba, she went out to work as usual after a big quarrel with his wife due to trivial matters at home on May 31, 2019. But when he returned home from get off work that day, he did not find his wife. He thought that the wife who worked as a nurse temporarily needed to work overtime and did not contact him. However, because the hospital where Chiba Megumi was staying had not seen her work, she contacted Chiba Yusuke by phone.

After checking with the people around him one by one, it was discovered that the missing Chiba Hui had not taken refuge in relatives and friends, and the line messages sent to her by colleagues and family members had been in a state of not being read yet. As a result, Chiba Yusuke, who felt wrong, reported the incident to the police on the fifth day after his wife lost contact.

After receiving an alarm call from Chiba Yusuke, the police quickly conducted a thorough investigation of Hiraizumi Town and surrounding forests in Iwate Prefecture. The news media also broadcasted the appearance of missing persons during prime time and collected relevant clues from the public. People have been unable to find the whereabouts of Chiba Hui.

Due to the large number of mountains and wild animals in the area, many people suspect that Megumi Chiba was killed in the suburbs after being attacked by a bear, and some people think that she might be kidnapped. However, during this period, Chiba Yusuke never received calls or emails asking for ransom, and there were no traces of bears collected in the forests near Hiraizumi.

After more than a year of searching, Megumi Chiba disappeared into the world as if the world had evaporated.

Until May last year, after finding the bones of Chiba Hui’s bones, after more than five months of police investigations, it was found that the clothing fibers collected on the leftovers at the scene and the driving route of the private car driven by Chiba Yusuke were judged that he was the murderer of his wife. .

On October 14, 2020, Iwate Prefecture police arrested Yusuke Chiba on suspicion of deliberately killing and throwing bodies.

In the subsequent interrogation, Chiba Yusuke admitted that he was the murderer of Chiba Megumi and confessed to all the charges.

Once the news was released, Megumi Chiba's family and friends were in grief, and Yusuke Chiba's boss and colleagues were also shocked.

According to friends who are familiar with the two, Chiba Yusuke and Chiba Megumi registered their marriage in 2014. When he was a student, Yusuke Chiba has always had good grades and a gentle personality. He is a good husband in the hearts of people around him. After the birth of their children at the end of 2016, they have never heard of any bad rumors about Chiba Yusuke.

And Chiba Yusuke’s colleague also revealed that he is very serious at work and never leaves late and leaves early. After his wife's disappearance, she often took time off to check the progress of the police station and asked the media for help many times. She also discussed with everyone whether to offer a big reward or hire a private investigator. Now that I think about it, asking for leave at that time might be to deal with the dead body and cover up the traces.

Although Chiba Yusuke has been trying to confuse the police and people around him in various ways. But what he didn't know was that he had become the biggest suspect in the eyes of the police since he started calling the police to find someone, and the criminal investigators in ambush are also secretly collecting evidence to investigate him. Judging by the police's many years of experience, there is a very high chance that a partner will commit a crime after a person loses contact.

The wife will disappear at home for no reason. As the closest person around her husband, the first thing he thinks of is to call the police. And Chiba Yusuke can let it go until the fifth day before calling the police. There must be something strange.

When visiting the people close to Chiba Hui, the police learned that she was pregnant when she disappeared. However, Chiba Yusuke did not mention this important clue when he called the police and recorded his confession later. Instead, he revealed to the police that his wife was running away from home. Even if a pregnant woman ran away from home, she would have money and clothing with her and she would definitely contact the hospital within a year.

When conducting GPS tracking of Chiba Yusuke's private car, the police also found that his driving route often drove around mountain roads on rainy nights.

Where Megumi Chiba lives

Although they had so many clues, the police could not arrest Chiba Yusuke because they had not been able to find the body of Chiba Megumi.

Fortunately, the skynet was restored without leaking. In May of this year, with the discovery of Chiba's bones, the crimes committed by Chiba Yusuke also surfaced.

In the subsequent interrogation, Chiba Yusuke revealed some details one after another, because of his extramarital affairs and domestic violence, the relationship between husband and wife was strained. In the quarrel on May 31, 2019, he accidentally killed his wife. In order to cover up the crime, he tightly wrapped his wife's body and hid it in the car. After surveying the terrain several times, he dumped the body in the mountains and forests.

In the year after the incident, whenever he had a guilty conscience, he would drive to the mountain to check on rainy nights, and his spirits had been in a high level of tension.

After the murder of his wife was resolved, at the scene where Megumi Chiba’s bones were discovered, residents from the surrounding areas come to mourn and mourn every day, and Yusuke Chiba will also face the punishment he deserves.

As with the police experience mentioned earlier, in a global sample of statistics from an overseas crime research institution, about 82% of women were killed by their other half, while men accounted for 18%. The family that was supposed to be a safe haven has become the most dangerous living space for women today.

Coincidentally, there was a police report last year on the coast of Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, and the body of a female with mutilated legs was found. After comparing the DNA of the body, the police quickly discovered that the body was Ping Fengchu, who had lost contact for a long time.

According to the results of the investigation and visit, the police arrested the biggest suspect in the incident, Ping Fengchuu's husband Ping Shengye.

In front of many chains of evidence, Ping Sheng also admitted the whole process of his deliberate murder, and also gave a lot of details that only he knew. According to Ping Shengye's explanation, his criminal motives mainly stemmed from debts and family conflicts caused by debts.

Hei Shengya, who was born in Tokyo, met his classmate Ping Fengchu when he was in college. Later, because the two had worked in a restaurant, they started dating.

Hei Kaeduki, who was born in Hokkaido, is the only daughter in the family. After graduating from university, the two decided to get married. Heisheng also officially joined the Heike family as a married couple.

When preparing for the purchase of goods in a new home after marriage, Ping Feng said that her husband did not have a formal job, and the information about working in a technology company and other related information was all lies.

Before marriage, Pingsheng also owed a large amount of debts for gambling and eating, drinking, and having fun. After Ping Shengye's sincere apology and assurance, Ping Feng boasted that he promised him to repay his debts with all the money originally used for post-marital travel and weddings. However, Ping Feng later discovered that her husband had not reformed, but continued to pay high expenses with credit cards.

Every time they mentioned debt problems, the two would have a big fight. Ping Feng said that he paid him millions of yen in arrears in just one year after his marriage. When checking a credit card bill, Ping Feng said that her husband had stolen his credit card. During the quarrel, Pingsheng also killed his wife and threw the body into the sea.

Also in June 2020, the Japanese police arrested a member of the Izumi City Ground Self-Defense Force in Osaka Prefecture for intentional murder. The 25-year-old suspect was named Naoki Iguchi, and it was his wife Tomoko Iguchi who was killed.

At about 6 am that same day, the police received a call from Boss Naoki Iguchi, in which he claimed that his subordinates had just called me and said that he had strangled his wife. Then the Osaka police rushed to Naoki Iguchi's home and arrested him.

In the previous 3 years, the police had indirectly visited Naoki Iguchi's house for consultation and assistance on domestic violence 3 times from October 2016 to September 2019. The victim Tomoko Iguchi made it once, and both parties made it twice at the same time. However, in the subsequent police dispatch, the two parties did not file an arrest or submit an application for protection from victimization.

But what I didn't expect was that the tragedy was ultimately caused by violence.

In the above-mentioned wives-killing cases, not all relevant details were disclosed because of the privacy of the victims. But we can also see from it that the distance between us and evil behind every case is always closer than imagined.

The nature of marriage is far from being as simple as we imagined. When it is tied up with various intimacy of interest and family affection, every move will involve the emotions of both parties. Therefore, I also hope that women who are longing for marriage will also fully consider each other's character background and original family before entering the marriage, so as not to allow such tragedies to happen again.