in HeartChurch4 years ago


Has the scripture not recorded in James and first epistle of Peter that He resisted the proud and giveth grace/favor to the humble?
What other law shall a mortal that transcend this world of iniquity seek further than this revelation?
If the Lord himself resisted the proud, can mortals then do otherwise to prove themselves gods?
Have you wondered why you seem not to attract His love?
Have you thought why it seem like He has abandoned and left you to struggle all alone?
Do you crave to have a feel and taste of His presence?
Then a simple task I recommend for you right now. Wanna know it?
Bow now and worship Him, and give Him all the glory that is due Him.
Have you thought why there's no grace a bit but tons of disgrace and shame?
Or have you wondered why you've not received that favour yet from the side of man and God?
Wanna know why and how to help yourself out?
Bow down and worship Him and give Him the glory that is due Him.
Paul Apostle admonished us that we humble ourselves before our spouse and we'll get loved in return.
Yet I have for years now craved for his love when I have not and I'm not and to humble to him.
Teach me Lord to love him through my humility.
For what is love if I can't be humble to him in ALL THINGS?
Wanna read more?
Would you then mind coming by tomorrow to have a taste of this love flavour?

Believe me, there are tons of questions bordering this heart,

Just wish You would tell my heart not to fear that you have my matter under control.
My heart bleeds with pains that need expressions

The tears of the innocent abound
Come Lord to my plight and take over this fight.

Thank you for reading my post

I am @blessdan

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