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Dear @everyone

Thank you to everyone who decided to visit this post and share your view (or perhaps learn something) on this particulary interesting subcject: future of LCO (Listed Coin Offering)

How many of you ever heard about LCO's? Guys from @blockshine have some great points that this can be huge topic in upcoming year or two.

Personally I've been mostly focused on STO's (Security Token Offering) which I believed will be next big thing.

Since many you have solid knowledge about those topics, I would love to ask about your view on that topic. In particular if you could share your knowledge and opinion related to LCO.

I read and reply to every valuable comment.


Since we are invited to share our scam stories, I bought Infinite coin a year ago. It is now coin #1,895. When it got kicked off my exchange my holding literally disappeared. Oh well, lesson learned. My new rule, do not buy coins below top 100. There are way too many scams. Trying to find the next big thing in ICO’s is not finding a needle in a haystack. It is trying to find a needle in a stack of other needles. The LCO concept is interesting because, if I understand it correctly, it will be a synergy between traditional investing concepts only using the new blockchain platform. Evolution if you will. Uh oh, technology overload alert. Dam, my head is spinning.


This model could work in the USA but it will clearly come under, and must comply with, SEC regulations. The entire idea behind mosy crypto followers is to escape government regs. This is where the hostility may arise.


Dear @clayrawlings

When it got kicked off my exchange my holding literally disappeared.

What do you mean disappeared?

The LCO concept is interesting because, if I understand it correctly, it will be a synergy between traditional investing concepts only using the new blockchain platform.

Would you be able to point out what is the difference between LCO and STO (security token offerings)? STO is clear and simple but I'm kind of failing to understand LCO so far.


I mean it literally disappeared. The exchange said it would no longer support the coin and I needed to move to another exchange. When I tried to transfer the coin to another exchange it just disappeared right before my eyes. I could not find it in my history. It was like it never existed. It was not enough money to waste any more time fooling with it. I transferred every other coin I had on that exchange and never went back. Lesson learned. As for difference between LCO and STO, that is above my pay grade.

'Trying to find the next big thing in ICO’s is not finding a needle in a haystack. It is trying to find a needle in a stack of other needles'. ouch!
What a perfect description and I am sorry to hear about your lost coins.

Indeed @straighttalk I also like this comparison :)

I'm still too new to thee sector to have a strong opinion on much of it.. but thank you for directing me this way..

Thanks for dropping by @darrenfj and for being so supportive.

Friend of mine is looking for crypto writers and social media marketers. Perhaps you or someone you know would be interested in such a position (check out my latest post).


thanks for the tips!

Thanks a lot for guiding e here @crypto.piotr I had never heard of LCOs til this post how interesting lots more researching to do lol!

Posted using Partiko Android

Im always happy to help @steemingmark and grateful for your support :) I love how responsive you are buddy

Yours, Piotr

No problem mate

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Interesting conversation going on .Makes me feel a little crypto dumb. I clearly need to improve my crypto lingo. Thanks @crypto.piotr for letting me in on this.

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Hahaha @naijauser

Makes me feel a little crypto dumb. I clearly need to improve my crypto lingo.

I feel that way quite often too to tell you the truth :) I just dont admit it laudly hahaha :)


Hey Piotr, LCO, i have never heard of it, i need to dive in some more .... but im a little sceptical ... it sounds to me more like established companies trying to riding the crypto wave. Also, what are these new lco backed by? Just the name of the ‘established’ company? And if these established companies need new capital, how good are they doing irl? Those companies probably wont do an exit scam so quick, but when an established company needs a new revenue stream, that often means they are not really doing so well ... so what happens to your lco coin, if said company goes bankrupt ... yeah your lco is just as worthless as any not functioning crypto ...and thats why, imo STO is one of the next big things. Because it is backed by something, ... furthermore ... isnt the kodak coin, released last year the same concept? oh and btw ... i’m going to start a movement that will change the world when the manifesto is there ... i might need your help

hi @elektropunkz, @blockshine

it sounds to me more like established companies trying to riding the crypto wave

We do actually need established companies getting involved. It's hard to say that they are trying to ride the crypto wave, since this wave died a long time ago.

what are these new lco backed by? Just the name of the ‘established’ company

From my understanding both LCO and STO will offer some sort of investors-protection (will be backed by assets). Am I right @blockshine?

Buying part of ownership is a huge change. That's something that ICO has been lacking.

Those companies probably wont do an exit scam so quick, but when an established company needs a new revenue stream, that often means they are not really doing so well ...

Not really. Your logic would means that all those companies on stock market are not doing so well. Companies are looking for investors to expand. That's pretty much the way it is most of the time. Almost always.

and thats why, imo STO is one of the next big things. Because it is backed by something

Finally we agree on something haha :)

i’m going to start a movement that will change the world when the manifesto is there ... i might need your help

What do you mean? How can I be of any help? Drop me an email please:


I dare to say, my mind is damaged (long story) but still very creative and decently working, but ... Yesterday i stept with the wrong foot out of bed, those days i am not thinking clear, and often a little bit too sceptical. It’s something that i am working on. At least i’m trying too.

I saved your mail adress, so when i have my igbs manifesto as good as ready and then i will get back to you ... okay?

Last thing i like to add ... about riding the blockchain wave, you also know the wave will be going up again once the next bull market starts gaining traction in the mainstream


First time hearing about LCO will have to look into it and i think STO is gonna be better then ico

Thanks for the follow and not much Maldivians are into crypto and there is only one exchange with limited types of crypto and limited supply so i do not know if LCO model could work here

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It is called DhiCoins i think and decentralised

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No scam experiences if it comes to crypto currencies, just a big lost (of the investment I could afford me). It is not quite clear/I can not paint a picture at it what "great" change it will bring. To be honest I do not believe anything will change this year. It feels to me we are in a period of keep on trying to keep both feet on the ground.

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Hi @wakeupkitty

To be honest I do not believe anything will change this year. It feels to me we are in a period of keep on trying to keep both feet on the ground.

We're clearly on the same page here. I also think that 2019 will be very boring for majority of investors and market will be moving sideways most of the time. With lack of interests from mass media and lack of trust.


Actually, I don't know about these things. I came here to increase my knowledge and to learn about the topic.
But it seems that I should have some basic knowledge about ICO, STO etc.

Actually, I'm totally new to even cryptocurrency because it's ban in our country. But I bought some steems because of my friend. He told me it's just like online money that varies its value and if it'll go high then we can earn some profit.
I'm so sorry I couldn't give any review to the topic or couldn't add something valuable.

your from India? ...

No, from Pakistan

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crypto is banned mean its declared as illegal?

Yes. It's banned here. @mintymile

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I am from India and its no declared illegal here, but little ban is there I can give you links in another comment that you can read about crypto.

Yeah sure @mintymile

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Hi @numanbutt

Actually, I'm totally new to even cryptocurrency because it's ban in our country.

do you mind sharing with us where're from? Lahore is capital of Pakistan, right? Is crypto really banned in Pakistan? Are authorities very strict about it?


Yes, I'm from Lahore and Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan (but Lahore is considered as most progressed city).
Yes, crypto is banned in Pakistan but there are still some people who are traders. So, strictness is not that much.
My main point is that people even don't know about it.
I heard about bitcoin during summer vacation of 2017 but ignored it.
Then I came across the plateform of steemit and learnd that there are some voting bots. But I didn't had money to invest so I talked to one of my friend who I knew was involved in crypto trading. So I bought some from him (almost september 2018).
That's whole story.
As far as strictness is concern, there are a lot of things that are not allowed but no strict order from government.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @numanbutt

Thank you for taking the time to write your explanation.

Yes, crypto is banned in Pakistan but there are still some people who are traders.

when did your administration banned crypto? Sometime lately? Like 2017-2018? Or earlier?

My main point is that people even don't know about it.

Make sense. Indeed you're one of very few representatives from Pakistan here on Steemit.


Last week I saw on some news site that the Indian banks had written to some of their customers saying we believe you are trading in cryptocurrencies and we are going to freeze your accounts! I didn't save the link.

This is very interesting from a technical perspective! I think that in markets where traditional financial products have had limited penetration, such as Latin America, this sort of LCO set-up could allow both businesses and technically savvy investors to 'leap-frog' over entrenched interests and, in some cases, government regulations, likely to the benefit of all parties involved.

I am very interested in learning more! According to my interpretation of the law here, this model would work for a company in Colombia.1

The financial superintendent would regulate these companies and since they already operate under these regulations, all of the relevant information is already transparent.

Hi @ecoinstant

I just came across to your reply. I followed the link you posted which took me to an article written by a well known law firm in Colombia.

What i know is that financial superintendent only regulates financial institutions. Non-financial companies are out of their scope, therefore are "free" to operate with cryptos, under the limitations of other laws, and probably without being transparent, unless they get supervised/regulated by superintendent of societies.

I'm a not a law expert, but I think there is a lot space for interpretation and misunderstanding. Sometimes Colombian laws are tricky so is better to look for an advisor in case you want to run a business related to crypto, like @blockshine

On the other hand, i feel Colombian banks don't like cryptos and can close your bank account, as happened with other people.

Hope this helps!!

I also want to learn more in the subject

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Thank you for this great response! Small steps are going to be very important to the first movers in Colombia and Latin America in general.

We do know that 'unregulated' freedom is not the normal state of the world, but until some companies start working I don't think any Colombian government is going to make moves to regulate or 'deal with' something that is not yet happening in the country. So it must be a company or a group that take on the challenge.

As you say, misunderstanding is such an important keyword in this space, because from my view there is not only quite a bit of misunderstanding around criptodivisas and blockchain, there are many levels of misunderstandings!

I don't know of any company in Colombia that is doing an LCO, but I do think that the law would allow it. As I responded to @caribehub's great comment, I think that in Latin America in general, the private sector is going to have to take a tentative lead in the implementation of these new technologies, as the governments leave open spaces precisely because they are likely unwilling to take missteps trying to regulate activities and markets that are only beginning to take form in their territory.

Hey @blockshine, great post... I was recommended to it by @crypto.piotr :D

In terms of scam stories, it doesn't have to do with an ICO, but more so with pyramid schemes that have taken place around the area I live in. There was two brothers who decided to start a pyramid scheme by getting all my friends to buy into bitcoin and other start up ICO's with there references and told them if they reached certain levels of referrals, they would get a percentage increase in there profits...

But obviously, it all didn't work out and a lot of people lost a lot of money because at the time, Bitcoin fell by a big margin. This really got a few of my friends that took part in this angry, because they were gullible and wanted an easy way to make money.

Luckily, I was able to talk a few of them out of it at the beginning, saying that they were at the bottom of the chain and will end of making a loss.

With regards to LCO's and STO's, I will definitely have a look at them, it seems like it would be a worthwhile venture :D


Thank you for sharing your story @shadown99

Great comment buddy
Yours, Piotr

Yes we saw a boom with the ICO market, did many of those projects see the light of day? no. Did we lose money? yes? Did we gain invaluable lessions for the future? Yes!

I think STO's, ILO's and LCO's are great medium-term solutions to bring in both private and institutional money into blockchain but this should not be where the money comes from. The money needs to come from providing services of value not creating more speculative assets on the blockchain

I think this is a great step into getting money in and starting to take accountability for projects and also hopefully take power away from centralised exchanges. We havnt figured out this blockchain thing yet but once we do and the first few companies actually producing real world value come to fruition its going to be a gold rush like we've never seen before

To be honest in the beginning I think it’s more of a gimmick than anything else! Companies are seeing hey this blockchain thing is getting funding let’s get in on it, but the true test is going to be can they deal with the transparency investors will have now and secondly how much of the “blockchain” concept will be used? Will it be decentralized? Will it be an open system? Will the tokens be pegged to assets of the company?

There’s just too many questions I think this will be another experimental phase where each company has their own take on this that they feel works to their favour

I’m not fully convinced but if it can bring more money and confidence into crypto it’s for the greater good I suppose

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Great comment @chekohler

Yes we saw a boom with the ICO market, did many of those projects see the light of day? no. Did we lose money? yes? Did we gain invaluable lessions for the future? Yes!

I wonder what is your lesson?

My lesson is, that mass media brought to much attention and speculative investors into technology and market which was just slowly developing.

I think STO's, ILO's and LCO's are great medium-term solutions to bring in both private and institutional money into blockchain but this should not be where the money comes from. The money needs to come from providing services of value not creating more speculative assets on the blockchain

To some degree I think you're right. However, I think people are quite divided with their opinions and I believe that demand should be coming from all possible directions.

Again: great comment

Although I think LCO are an improvement over ICO, I think the concept arrives too late. The investors are so burn out after the ICO bubble that this won´t work.

it's time for the ICO´s to die. A massive purge of crpytocurrencies and tokens is necessary before the market starts to recover. Only very few dozens can survive.

That's a great point @ropaga

It will take so much time to recover investors trust. LCO would have to disconnect themselfs fully from crypto and ICOs. And they cannot do that.


So much is happening in the world of Crypto that its hard to keep up. With my limited knowledge I cannot give my opinion on this but I'm always interested in the views of others. So will keep a close eye on your posts in the future. One currency I do like the look of however is stablecoin

99bitcoins is my go to for good simple advise.

Governments are starting to decide to allow ERC20s to represent securities, its a simple process of tokenizing a security.

Ohio has began recognizing that tokenized corporate shares can represent ownership of shares in a corporation. This means that Aragon would be recognized as a legitimate organization in Ohio. That's pretty cool.

I would say that it is exciting for the future price of Ethereum for sure. Especially when derivatives end up going on Ethereum.


Would you be able to point out what is the difference between LCO and STO (security token offerings)? STO is clear and simple but I'm kind of failing to understand LCO so far.

Governments are starting to decide to allow ERC20s to represent securities, its a simple process of tokenizing a security.

Seriously? I cannot imagine almost any ICO launched on ERC20 as a security.


Honestly, I'm not sure I've heard of LCO before this post, but in my view it is the same as a STO or possibly a SEC "listed" coin offering, opposed to the unregulated ones. But a listed coin offering is only a tokenized security that is going through an IPO. Whereas a STO would just be a record of a security put on the blockchain. Apple stocks have already been put on Ethereum as a tokenized security, its nothing special, just a token representing individual Apple stocks.

This is a great development for securities because currently securities are "stateless" in technical terms, while putting the securities on Ethereum gives them "state" which is better. An article by an Ethereum developer pointed out this key value of stated objects vs. stateless and the value it has for the average person.

LCO this is the first time I heard about it... Interesting concept

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