This Type Of Bone Disease Often Attacks
Bone is a network composed of cells and is dominated by an extracellular collagen matrix (collagen type I) called osteoid. This oxyoid is metabolized by a calcium hydroxyapatite deposit, so the bones become stiff and strong. Or it could be said that the bone or skeleton is a supporter of the vertebrate body. Without bone, our body can not stand upright. Bone begins to form since the baby is in the womb, lasting until the second decade regularly. [1]
We need to know because there are so many diseases that attack the bones. Therefore, if you recognize this type of illness is my advice immediately doctor and check your bone health.
Here are some types of bone diseases that often attack:
1. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a type of bone loss disease. This disease is caused by lack of calcium and vitamin D. Osteoporosis is characterized by bones become easily cracked or broken. Osteoporosis is usually experienced by elderly people. To prevent os teoporosis, people need to consume foods that contain lots of vitamin D and calcium early on.
2. Bone tuberculosis
This disease usually secretes pus from our bones. In addition, patients also experience tremendous pain. TB bone is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis To prevent this disease, you must stay in a clean, not damp, and enough with sunlight.
3. Rheumatism
This disease causes pain in your joints. The pain is especially felt in the wrists, feet, and elbows. [2]
4. Ankilosis
The disease is characterized by disturbances in the joints so that the joints can not be moved and where the ends between the bones feel united.
5. Crooked Legs
crooked legs occur because of a disturbance of bone growth at the knee center or can also be fragile.
6. Hydroxiapatite
The disease is due to the accumulation of calcium piropospat (a type of body calcium). [3]
That's some kind of bone disease that often attacks humans in general. If you get a geala that I mentioned above, immediately see a bone doctor, immediately consult the bone problem padda your body before the fatal result in your life. []
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