Updates to BitShares withdrawal functionality (new release of BitShares GUI wallet)

in #bitshares9 years ago

BlockTrades has made some improvements to the withdrawal/deposit functionality for the BitShares GUI wallet (several specifically for Steem users):

  • The user's browser now keeps a local cache of previous withdrawal addresses for each withdrawal wallet type to make it easier to make repeated withdrawals to the same destination. The withdrawal address defaults to the last withdrawal address used for that withdrawal wallet type and a drop-down can be used to select from previously used withdrawal addresses.
  • The wallet GUI directly queries for supported coin types from the OpenLedger API server, which enables addition of new coin types without requiring new updates to the wallet GUI code. This will make it easier and quicker for OpenLedger to add new coins to their gateway.
  • Memos can be added when withdrawing to a wallet type that supports memos (e.g. graphene-based chains such as MUSE and STEEM). This is particularly useful when you want to send Steem, Steem Dollars, or Muse from your BitShares wallet directly to an exchange that supports these coin types, because they require a memo to be included to credit a deposit properly. To encrypt the memo on a Steem withdrawal, place a # symbol in front of the memo.
    It's also possible to add a memo when depositing from a graphene-based chain. For example, to receive a memo with your OPEN.STEEM, send from your Steem wallet with a memo like “open.steem:my_bitshares_account_name:my_memo_text”.
  • If you withdraw using the memo method to a Steem wallet, you can include an encrypted memo as follows: “steem:my_steem_account_name:#my_memo_text”.
  • The GUI will fall back to a backup server for withdrawals/deposit API calls if the primary server is not reachable.
  • Coin names are displayed alphabetically in the deposit/withdrawal drop-down lists.

The changes are live now on OpenLedger, although you made need to press F5 to refresh your browser in order to see them:


thanks for the update, anyone working on the BTS GUI is very needed :)

I think @cass should be involved with the design part when they do.


I don't know much about cryptos yet but today changes a lot for me. I found out that there are decentralised exchange wallets. This is truly innovative and the future. Hope more people will move to openledger. Thanks for sharing this. Was a great help to me

This is huge! :

" The wallet GUI directly queries for supported coin types from the OpenLedger API server, which enables addition of new coin types without requiring new updates to the wallet GUI code. This will make it easier and quicker for OpenLedger to add new coins to their gateway. "

This will open up the gateway for more crypto's to easily be transferred and used with steemit.


Thanks for the updates. I am new to cryto world. Am absorbing like sponge! Steem on!

Awesome work, thank you!

@blocktrades give me 500 steem plz

This is what was missing here on steemit. Great work.

Thanks for the update. It looks great.

Great lay out and thanks for the update.

Nice work @blocktrades! We appreciate it.