
A kerosine bath with a pump helps a lot if you have one,[give me a yell if you want to know how we made ours]


We used a 44 gal steel drum (50 gal), cut in half lengthwise so the little hole was at the bottom.
Weld some scrap to make the legs, top of the drum about waist height.
Weld a small sized heavy steel mesh over one end, Make Sure the end is smooth or it will bite every time you use it.
From the small bung at the bottom of the drum plum ( by steel fittings or hose) to a coarse filter.
Mount a small wobble pump( used to pump fuel/ oil out of drums, has about 45 degrees of movement left and right, will pump with each movement) sideways so the handle goes up and down,
Spring load the handle so it is up.
Posision the pump so one foot can pump the handle down, the spring will bring the handle up again
Lead the outlet to a handy length of hose.
Half/ threequater fill the bath/ drum with kero. Put the dirty bits in the open end to soak.
One at a time, put the part on the mesh where you can scrub/ poke at it, at the same time pump the foot giving a flow of kero to wash the stuff away.
The faster you pump the greater flow/ pressure at the end of the hose.
I have seen some with a small tube fitted in the outlet for cleaning oilways.
The kero will discolour quickly, but it will still wash, even when it is blacker than your boots.
A suitable electric pump has been used, but there is no variation in the outlet and you have a good chance of washing yourself.

If I havent explained anything properly, give me a yell and we will try again