Borran's Beer Review: Newcastle Brown Ale

in GEMS4 years ago


The beer I'm reviewing today is Newcastle Brown Ale, brewed by John Smith's brewery in England. It's a quite famous beer. I believe somewhere somehow, you have seen this logo. Or maybe you have even tasted it.

Description of the beer:
"The One and Only! One of the most well known brands in the world. It has a dry nutty taste with a delicate floral aroma. Newcastle Brown is easy to drink as a lager with a distinct character of a British ale."


History & Facts:
- John Smith acquired the Backhouse & Hartley brewery in 1852.
- The company was taken over by Courage in 1970 who extended distribution of the brewery's products into the South of England.
- Courage was acquired by Scottish & Newcastle in 1995, and the operations were purchased by Heineken in 2008.
- The brewery brews 3.8 million hectolitres annually (1.3 million of which is John Smith's beer), and employed around 300 people in 2008.
- John Smith's Brewery in Tadcaster, North Yorkshire, England, produces beers including John Smith's, the highest selling bitter in the United Kingdom since the mid-1990s.


Here's a list of their most well known beers:

Newcastle Brown Ale
Extra Smooth Ale
John Smith's Original Ale
Bulldog Strong Ale
Golden Ale
John Smith's Cask




Appearance: brown color, with a small white head.
Smell: malty, caramel, hint of hops.
Mouthfeel: light body, medium carbonation.
Taste: malt-dominated flavor, with a light hoppiness in the finish.

Nothing special, but for a mass-produced cheap beer it's not bad. The beer is easy to drink, quite watery, but it still has some nice nutty flavor.

Verdict - My rating: 3 out of 5.

Newcastle Brown Ale:

BreweryJohn Smith's
CountryTadcaster, North Yorkshire England
StyleBrown Ale - English
Alcohol4,7 %


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Camera: Nikon Coolpix P900/Nikkor 83X Wide Optical Zoom 4.3-357mm f/2.8-6.5.

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