THE BUSINESS TRIP. (personal experience) by

in Steem Cameroon4 years ago

Business is trip you are suppose to undertake with a double mind. Good days will come and bad days will come but sustainability is the key..

" Source

Hello my beautiful people i greet you from Bambili, North West Region of Cameroon.
  • Do you own a business and you are struggling to make it grow??
  • Do you own a business and it is doing extremely well??
  • Are you still planning to own a business??

If Yes , then relax i have a bit of experience to share with you.
To start with, i own a small documentation at the University entrance , Bambili





where we offer services such as:

  • Typing and printing
  • Mass printing of projects and reports
  • photocopy
  • Instant passport size photos
  • Design and printing of business cards, greeting cards,complementary cards
  • Lamination etc...

If you have been in Bambili then you will agree with me that, there are hundreds of documentations in Bambili , prior to that , We are in deep competition .
Yes i said Competition !
There is no business without competition , so if you are in competition then your services or products must be of great quality.
In this light you must put in your best , either physically , financially and morally to see that you stand out in the business community.

Just some few weeks ago my color machine broke down and the color combination on any document printed was not the best , All customers won't complain in front of you but you will realized they will just disappear and go where they will have the best quality.
Thank God i have been saving some money and i was able to do the adjustment with the sum of 41500frs to be able to get the required results.

What if i was not saving money for unforseen like this?? Should that make me discourage?? No..That is the Journey in business so be ready if you are new in business.

What to take home

  • Business is not a win win venture be ready to make losses sometime but make sure you recover.
  • Your fix capital is your back born so you must be ready to maintain it at all course..
  • Your customers are why you are there so treat .them well and make them smile always
  • Collaborate with your neighbors and business colleagues for you don't know when you will need them.
  • Always make an account of your business progress for follow up and referencing

Theses are just a few tips among others, hope they are helpful .Please i will like to know what your think in the comment section.

You can always visit Breeze Documentation for any mentioned services or any inquiries or you can contact in this platform or on WhatsApp on +237 675 743 859 we will treat you like a queen or king. 🤝🤝🙏

Hope this post made you well!


 4 years ago 

Helping people to grow their business is great actually u are indirectly helping the nation too who knows if u couldn't have come up with this great idea, owning a documentary is also very necessary and very important especially for students and other people.

 4 years ago 

I am glad you are back @othentic1 .Exactly we hope to empower other young Cameroonians through free training and also offer them an opportunity to earn money while in school. Thanks for checking this post

 4 years ago 

Wow I must say am impressed seeing this bro it's really encouraging. Owing a business of your own is really challenging and called for so it's really a good initiative. Your services are just the best for the habitants of that area and Bamenda as a whole especially with the present situation of things in our country I must say it will be very helpful so keep it up. As with regards to the post I must say I love your presentation it was straight to the point

 4 years ago 

Hello @enoegbe these are the types of comments we want on #steemit. Thanks for your review and haven taken time to read through the post..Have you been to Bambili before?? If No do you intend to come here???

 4 years ago 

Lol yeah I've been a student I CCAST BAMBILI before the strike that was 2013-2015 so I know the area very well. Moreover that's where I met @chiabertrand and we were best of friends and bench mates too

 4 years ago 

Woow didn't know you own a documentation there in bambili. This is amazing bro. I strongly believe the business is hot-cake in bambili because of its students environment.

Just some few weeks ago my color machine broke down and the color combination on any document printed was not the best , All customers won't complain in front of you but you will realized they will just disappear and go where they will have the best quality.
Thank God i have been saving some money and i was able to do the adjustment with the sum of 41500frs to be able to get the required results.

Ohhh God 🤦 so sorry to hear about this bro. We thank God for your savings as you were able to use it to repair back the colour machine. Like seriously that amount is huge bro, meeerde I can imagine the difficulties you went through during the period when the machine spoiled especially as most students will disappear

Business is not a win win venture be ready to make losses sometime but make sure you recover.

I love this statement very well. I think all business people should always consider this statement so that they should not be surprised at times when their business is not moving well. Just like in your case, you weren't surprised, Instead you worked it out and re-covered as you were able to bring back your colour machine alive

 4 years ago (edited)

Wow @chiabertrand, no doubt you are in a positive track.if people were to comment passionately like this then we will not be were we are today..
Ya bro it was not easy the colour machine is very demanding and that is why colour is printed at a higher price. The machines are German machines and spare parts are scarce.

Yes bro i manage to invest in documentation business but like i said earlier it also has its ups and downs you have to keep the machines well maintained for any positive outcome but thank God. We are on track..
I really appreciate your positive feedback..It means a lot in this platform
Thanks a lot.
Wishing you a very fun filled day...

 4 years ago 

Welcome brom. Anytime I come to Bambili I will hit you up let's meet

 4 years ago 

Anxiously waiting bro..

Owning a business is something I have always wanted to get involved but somehow reluctant due to that fact that I may encure losses but from what you have just said I must say I have been encouraged .Since you are situated at the school environment it will help students do their work easily without any incoveniency, and also you have helped reduce the rate of unemployment in our community,nation and world at large even if it's just one person working for you.Your machine got bad and you repared it shows how determine you are and not tempted to give up as my case would have been if I were in your shoe but with what you have said I can now go into business without the fear of encuring losses knowing that there are ups and downs in business,time to gain and time to lose.Thanks for this post @breeze,I will recommend some of my folks there at bambili to petronize your business.I'm happy I read your post,so encouraging.God bless your husle.

 4 years ago 

Thanks for this post @breeze,I will recommend some of my folks there at bambili to petronize your business.I'm happy I read your post,so encouraging

Thanks so much for this interesting comments @zinkeng. Without determination in life nothing will move well in your life. In fact you will remain a begger. I am highly waiting for your referals. Thanks a lot