One of the best e-mails I have ever sent!

in #dogecoin4 years ago

This got sent out to the baseball players on my e-mail list.

Hey Guys,

With each passing day of radio silence and more bad news players are giving up hope, teams staffs in a lot of the leagues have been reduced, and lock downs keep getting extended in a lot of states. In the next few days there will be some general statements coming out from the Pacific Association essentially saying we are "postponing the 2020 season" because it was originally going to start late May which clearly isn't realistic so it is mainly a word to the sponsors and season ticket holders.

Spirits are getting warn down and the hopium buzz is wearing off.

That's when I have rolled in and upped the ante once again. Planting seeds in everyone's head in the higher leagues (Frontier, American Association, and Atlantic League) about being a traveling guest division. As the hope of an affiliated minor league season starts to grow more unrealistic no stadium is too big to move into and play the league in a single stadium in a rouge state.

Give up if you must.........retire if you must........there is no shame in it. Sing Kumbaya around the camp fire in 2047 and talk about how tough the pandemic was. It's no joke and and a very serious threat and disruption. No one will say you are a McBitch for throwing in the towel.

Even if all the other teams in the Pacific Association ultimately can't play somehow as this RonaV time warp drags on suddenly people will look over and be like ......"uuhhhhh that dog is looking at me all side eyed again.... DOGE-coin? Doggie-coin...??? WAIT WHAT???!!! THEY ARE IN THE ATLANTIC LEAGUE NOW!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!! 😳" or "THERE'S NO WAY THEY ARE PLAYING IN THE IOWA CUBS Triple A STADIUM..... WTF!!!!!!! I thought they were a joke!!! Who is even in charge of that anyways????????" 😂

Nothing is impossible. I have been grinding away over here planting seeds. Writing proposals....etc.

Here are a couple of the things I wrote in a recent e-mail to the other teams in the Pacific Association. I'm still preparing everyday.

They are playing baseball in Taiwan and South Korea now which is great but you mean to tell me that America's Pastime isn't going to be played in the United States this summer? Someone will make it happen. The Pacific Association could actually be in a great position with only 4 teams to be quick and nimble. Even the MLB doesn't have that advantage.

I'm taking the virus very seriously but in general baseball is extremely dangerous during a normal year. Some dude blowing 95 could drill you right in the teeth with a pitch or a bad hop could shatter the third baseman's eye socket so player's will be accepting the liability of playing during the global pandemic several times over.

Any fan or player could never prove that they got the virus at a baseball game or when they were at the grocery store or anywhere else. Heavy precautions would be taken and people would be accepting the risk.

If people are able to surf in shark infested waters, bungee jump, skydive, do back flips on their dirt bikes and register assault rifles you don't think cities in Texas, Iowa, Nebraska, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Arkansas, North Dakota wouldn't jump at the premise of having baseball???? That's crazy talk. NO stadium is too big..... the bigger the capacity the more people can social distance!

I've been planting seeds in all these places and in the higher leagues. And guess what, the Atlantic League was the most receptive. Imagine that.

Cancel 2020 and when the Ball Drops .............. The virus is probably still here ............. So cancel 2021 and 2022 as well ? There has never been a vaccine for any of the other Corona viruses (MERS, SARS) ........ The flu vaccines sometimes work I guess. Cancer is still out there....... never been cured. It's a hard problem to solve. RonaV isn't going away most likely. I'm taking it very seriously but even if you live to be 90 life is like a flash in the pan. I don't have time to wait for years bunkered down like we are in a nuclear winter. Blow 150mph in the car......tire might pop.

I have more gear coming in from China. I got a direct source there for my clothing brand. I could have canceled the orders but nahhhhh. I intend on playing somewhere somehow. If we go down a team I can pop a team faster than the Pecos League.

If you don't plant seeds now, there will be no harvest!

P.S. Attached is also my newest away alt jersey design. Makin moves





All the best!

Keep the positive vibes!!

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