I show you my life-savings
Hi steemers today I want show my life savings living 21 years in Venezuela Started working at age 18 and this is the amount of money I've managed to put together in three years.
Only 150 USD
In Venezuela the minimum wage was 22 USD per month, 2 weeks ago they increased the minimum wage to 45 USD a month
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If you were to research the book, "The Creature From Jeckle Island," (or video) you'd find the U.S. dollar is worth 98% less than just one hundred years ago. If something does't change, we may be saying the same thing as you.
The Venezuelan Bolivar is 100% devalues every week, you can not compare Compare Venezuela with USA
Please explain how it is 100% devalued. To me this means no one would be using it because there would be no value.
I understand our currencies have different values. To you there, the money you have longed saved is worth so much. To me, living in the states, that money might last an hour. Pretty soon, possibly, U.S. peeps will have to wheel-barrel around huge stacks of paper (check out Germany before World War 2) to pay for a slice of bread.
I'm hoping something like this platfrom can help us all.
FYI- I think it is really cool that you have been able to save. I don't want to down play that.
In Venezuela there is an exchange control, the only ones who have access to foreign currency are government officials can purchase them paying 10 dollars bolivars per dollar.
Because of that a black market where anyone can access foreign currency to pay 1,800 bolivars per dollar was created.
All products and services using the exchange rate with reference to the black market.
The value of every dollar in the black market increases every day and because of that the Venezuelan bolivar was devalued daily.
You have really good reason to stick with steemit.
Wow I would love to go there for a vacation. It would also help out with more tourists visiting.
How much does an average house cost there.
Hello an average house will cost 10,000 to 13,000 dollars
does Venezuela have no national currency? Why do you save US Dollars?
Hi if you have local currency, saving dollars because my intention is to emigrate to another country.
Although at this rate I think it takes a long time collecting money.
God damn. This is really eye opening. I spend way more than that a month, on stupid things that I really don't need.
Hello, here in this country every dollar is precious