Dutch Royals in Indonesia, will they meet steemians?

in ART LOVERS4 years ago


All images used in this blog are by the Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst.nl & @gettyimages with two of them and its sourced and stated under the beautiful photographs

Yes, I admitt I am a royalty fan. The fashion, the rules and the weddings of our royals or the other in Europe or the world for that matter, i am loving it. I love it all, and follow the royals where i can on the news and socials. Now Queen Maxima ( 48 ) and King Willem Alexander ( 52 ) are in Indonesia for a state and country and cultural visit.


Here you see them arrive in Indonesia and being welcomed with a flower chain for the King and flowers for the Queen the airport in Jakarta.

This is the salut before the kings speech, on the way to Bogor palace. And that weather, with all the rain here I am jealous to see that clear blue sky.


On the first day of the state visit to Indonesia, King Willem-Alexander expressed regret in apologizing for the Dutch violence during the Indonesian war of independence (1945-1949) outside the presidential palace of the Indonesian president Joko Widodo and his wife Iriana Widodo.


quote : For the Dutch anti-violence attacks in those years, I want to now, following the earlier statements of my government, express my regret and apologize," said the king during the speech. "I do this in full awareness that the pain and sorrow of the affected families will be felt for generations." For the first time the Head of State offers apologies, and was it a surprise for us Dutch. It’s been way to long and I think it’s a humble gesture only a bit late. But politics and protocol might be the reason why I couldn’t be done earlier. The King is new in these kinds of testimonies and its a new era.


The invite for the Dutch was from the president of Iondonesia. It is the first time that a Dutch head of state offers apologies for the violence used during this period in a speech. Moreover, it is striking that King Willem-Alexander spoke of "75 years of peace". In doing so, he assumed Indonesia's independence since 1945, the year in which the country declared itself autonomous, and not only since 1949, the year in which the Netherlands only recognized that independence, again a gesture and admitting we as Dutch did wrong.


Earlier in the day, the king and queen Máxima laid a wreath on the Indonesian plot Kalibata, where among others , also the victims of the war of independence were buried.

The royal couple is in Indonesia from Monday to Thursday. The program of the state visit is slightly changed than initially planned because of a boat accident during the preparations in which at least two people died. There will be an alternative program. Queens Maxima also was doing some work for the United Nations while they are in Indonesia beside all her royal Dutuws. She is a working queen and a true fashionista.

image by @getty Images

Because of the coronavirus, which also surfaced in Indonesia, the royal couple won’t shake hands "in principle". The royal couple may make an exception for President Joko Widodo and the reception by the Sultan of Djokjakarta. Instead, Willem-Alexander and Máxima will possibly fold their hands regularly for a so-called Sundanese greeting. It is a greeting of Sundanese from West Java. I just saw the beautiful ceremonies at the arrival in the airport and I saw the wreath laying on the news.

Offcourse it’s also an economic trip and the royal pair will have meetings with Dutchies employed in Indonesia and will try to make trade between the two countries. It’s only Tuesday afternoon so we will have some more photos from the government information service, and I can see what Queen Maxima was wearing. She is so elegant and she never has a fashion faux pas. Again I am a fan.


The state visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima starts on today Tuesday on the island of Java, in and around Jakarta. Among other things, there is a wreath laying on the Kalibata island, where veterans from the war of independence have their final resting place. On Thursday the group will go to Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. The trip ends on Friday during a meeting around Lake Toba on Sumatra. Maybe if the covid19 virus doesn’t interfere. I have been to Jakarta, Java and Komodo but 20 years ago so I love that I get to see these gorgeous places on tv now.



The famous Dutch pair also sees many locals and many tradional dances in ceremonies. They travelled to the Dutch Embassy in jakarta and the Cultural Centre.The program is a bit of what the future will hold in stock for us and the preparation for the two countries on that subject.


Because of the virus the Queen give all the people she meets a traditional two hands together salute. That salute is called the sembah salute in Indonesia. The royal couple hopes that for our country this visit will help reinforce the cultural link between our two countries. The accident with a speedboat and the missing of 8 people on the Sebangau River in Kalimantan yesterday has made the trip a bit less over the top royal than normal, out of respect , that a nice statement and i think its a sweet gesture. Maybe the visit will be a slightly shorter aswell but i don’t know that yet.

image by @getty Images

Again the visit has my interest and its not over yet so i will maybe do another blog on the rest of the trip and Queen Maxima’s fashion choices, will see, untill than thanks for reading and again the pictures are from the Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst and from Getty.

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DATE : wednesday 11 march 2020


I think I took a photo of a Dutch princess once. Will look for it in my archives.

Nicely done @brittandjosie. Too bad you couldn't have been there to take the photos for yourself, I know you would have been over the moon!
I really wasn't aware of the current Dutch Monarchy
I am now! Thanks for the post

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I find it surprising as well as Indonesian :)

For the first time the Head of State offers apologies, and was it a surprise for us Dutch.

It was time and I hope all Indonesian people appreciated that apology

I hope so. I wonder if my grandfather(s) would really accept the apology. One of my great grandfathers and grandfathers worked as an accountant in a sugar cane which at that time was heavily connected with the dutch. His family used to have dutch neighbors, speak dutch and even learned dutch culture. My grandma's family was the same. However, I am not sure about the impression that my other grandfather who fought the war and was working in the Airforce. Sadly both of them have passed away.

I really think that the Dutch King and Queen are a lot more sympathetic than ours - I have seen them on Olympics and you can see that the King is really enjoying it and really getting into the game - Our King and Queen are doing a much better job than the previous ones though I must admit :)

Fabulous story! Thanks for telling us all about your royal family. They look so down-to-earth compared to other royals.

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