Are we still able to use our imagination?

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemers, my name is Stefano.
And this is a part of me.

I'm not a big fan of self-made descriptions and I hate travel guides. Whenever it happens that I travel around, I always take with me a small notebook in which I draw frames of what there's in front of my eyes. An old church, some annoyed faces in the bus, the sole of my shoes or the view from my ex-girlfriend's balcony (on which I used to squeeze out to have a cigarette during a sleepless night).

I learned this habit from an old friend – which is now a professional comic books illustrator, but that's not important – and I kept doing it. Staring at something for a while and then, drawing it, leaves a mark in your mind: the draw itself might not be a masterpiece but when I look back at some of them, suddenly a wave of memories springs to me. Smells, feelings, images...a vivid piece of reality fixed in black and white. And that's why I decided to start giving you a frame of my life. Also to let your imagination flow and give you the freedom to guess who I am.

I could have started saying that I'm a freelance journalist, a poker player, a free thinker or a conspirator, who knows. But I prefer to share this piece of me, which speaks for itself. What kind of caracthers can you expect from somebody who's trying to sound like a band despite the fact he's playing alone? Do I really have to tell you that I'm friendly, extroverted, confused...Nope, and that's the power of imagination.

I remember a nice essay from Ephraim Lessing that I read when I was still an undergraduate. 'Laokoon', that's the original title. A critic to Joachim Winckelmann's writings or better, to his way to judge some artworks, like the statue of 'Lacoon and his sons': "When Omero described Achilles'shield, he didn't mention the size, the shape, or whatever but he showed its majesty with a few powerful verses...Whether in art or literature the most important thing is to let imagination free" or something like that.

People like to speak about themselves by adding more and more details on what they think they're good at. Result? A barren words-collage, at least most of the times. Here you don't have any precise description but just a video, a picture and those lines I'm writing right now. Because, so far, why should you be interested in reading my introduction rather than stalking some friends on Facebook?

Here's my first frame, and I decided to share more and more of them, starting from now. It might be just a waste of time or perhaps a good chance to share thoughts and experiences, and get something from each other. Sharing stories, cooperating and giving them the value they deserve, if so. Because as human beings we all worth more than the society tries to show us. We are not our work, our house, our family, our car.

They're all an expression of what we build-up in our lives, but they do not contain our deep essence. As one of my favourite comedian, Bill Hicks, used to say in one of his most brilliant sketches: "All matter is merely energy condensedto a slow vibration , we're all one consciousness going through itself subjectively, there's not such a thing as death, life is only a dream and you're the imagination of yourself. And here's Tom with the weather..."

Steemit represents a concrete chance to get back the value that companies and multinational corporations stole from us. Yes, and they did it by drying out our own moral wealth in order to read through the lines and sell us solutions to the same needs they created at first. If Steemit will be the future or just one of the countless failed attempt in the human history to undermine hierarchies it's still a mistery. For sure it helped me out restarting my activity as a blogger, which is already something good at least for myself. And then who knows, maybe I'll be – we'll all be – part of a sea change that our society needs. Starting from Now.

P.S. Thanks to @freiheit who introduced me to Steemit!

See you soon Steemers!


Thanks! It looks like I need more than five minutes to read it. Well, as soon as I do it I'll let you know my feedback ;)

I really liked reading this introduction. Welcome!

Ps: can you add a little white space between your paragraphs im the future? It was hard to read a bit.

Thanks! I did it, is it better or should I put some more?

Very interesting! I like it!

Love this post. Imagination is less of a thing these days. But we can bring it back. Illustrating from travel - the best way to remember adventures. Pictures really can be with a thousand words.

I remember when, in 2009 I guess, I got a bag stolen with everything inside. I searched it for hours (still got my phone in the pocket) but rather than my wallet, documents or an usb key with tons of documents , the thing I was upset the most was my notebook. There where just a few white pages and all draws of several trips or pieces of life. I don't want to sound too 'romantic' though, I like pics too and I'm recently learning more and more about photography. But it's a matter of facts that drawing (and watch them back afterwards) has had a huge impact on me. You start from a detail, then you go a bit forward and you allow yourself to appreciate all shades of that very situation. The result is really powerful =)

It is indeed!

ciao Stefano :)

Hi man!!! And thanks for showing me Steemit ;)

thanks nice for sharing

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