Motivation: Motivation is really needed by everyone especially students
Increasing learning motivation is one of the integral activities that must exist in the every activities. In addition to providing and motivation
Increasing student learning motivation is one of the integral activities that must exist in the learning activities. In addition to providing and transferring science teachers are also tasked to improve the motivation of children in learning. We can not deny that the motivation to learn one student with another is very different, for that is important for teachers always always provide motivation to students so that students always have the spirit of learning and able to become students who beprestasi and can develop themselves optimally.
Learning process will be successful when students have motivation in learning. Therefore, teachers need to cultivate student learning motivation. To obtain optimal learning outcomes, teachers are required to generate creative motivation to learn students. Here are some guidelines to improve students' learning motivation.
**** Clarify goals to be achieved ****
Clear goals can make students understand where they want to be taken. Students 'understanding of learning goals can foster students' interest to learn which in turn can improve their learning motivation. The clearer the goal to be achieved, the stronger the motivation nelajar students. Therefore, before the learning process begins the teacher should first explain the goal to be achieved.
**** Generating student interest ****
Students will be encouraged to learn when they have an interest in learning. Therefore, developing students' interest in learning is one of the techniques in developing learning motivation. One logical way to motivate students in learning is to relate learning experiences to student interests. Attribution of learning to student interests is very important, and therefore show that the learned knowledge is very beneficial to them. Similarly, an important learning objective is to arouse students 'curiosity about future lessons, and therefore learning will improve students' intrinsic motivation to learn the learning materials presented by the teacher.
**** Create a fun atmosphere in learning ****
Students may only be able to learn well when there is a pleasant atmosphere, feel secure, free from fear. Try to keep the class forever in a lively and fresh environment, free from tension. For that the teacher can sometimes do funny things.
**** Using an exciting method of presentation ****
Teachers should be able to present information interestingly, and unfamiliar to students. Something of information conveyed with new techniques, with good packaging is supported by tools in the form of mediums or media that have never been known by previous students to draw attention to them to learn. With an interesting learning, it will generate a sense of uingin know the students in the learning activities that students will be motivated in learning.
The intrinsic motivation to learn something can be enhanced through the use of educational learning materials, as well as the use of variations of learning methods. For example, to improve students' interest in learning can be done through screening, inviting guest speakers, demonstrations, computers, simulations, role playing, radio learning, wafting works, and more.
**** Give reasonable praise to each student's success ****
Motivation will grow when students feel appreciated. In learning, praise can be used as a motivational tool. Because students are also human beings, so he also likes to be praised. Because the compliments give satisfaction and pleasure. However, praise must be in accordance with the work of students. Do not over praise because it will seem artificial. Good praise is the praise that comes out from the heart of a teacher naturally with the intention to reward the students for their hard work in learning.
**** Rate them****
Many students are learning because they want to get good grades. For that they study hard. For some students grades can be a powerful motivation to learn. Therefore, the assessment should be done immediately so that students as soon as possible know the results of their work. Assessment should be done objectively in accordance with the ability of each student.
Continuous assessment will encourage students to learn, because each child has a tendency to gain good results. In addition, the students always get challenges and problems to be faced and solved, thus encouraging them to study more thoroughly and thoroughly.
**** Comment on student work ****
Students need rewards. The rewards can be done by giving positive comments. After the student finishes a task, you should comment immediately, for example by writing "good" or "continue your work" and so on. Positive comments can improve students' learning motivation.
Accolades are very effective in motivating students to do tasks, both on-the-job tasks and ongoing tasks. Conversely, giving less motivation is less motivational in learning. Even cause a more ugly psychological effects.
**** Create competition and cooperation ****
Healthy competition can have a good effect on the success of the student learning process. It is possible through the competition of the students to earnest effort to obtain the best result. Therefore, teachers should design learning that enables students to compete between groups and between individuals.
However, competition is not always profitable, especially for students who are not felt able to compete, therefore cooperative learning approach can be considered to create competition between groups. In addition to competition among students more bad influence than good to the development of student personalities. Competition between oneself can be addressed by allowing students the opportunity to recognize the progress that has been achieved before and what can be achieved at a later time. For example, the teacher makes and advises the student learning progress graph.
To develop motivation to learn, teachers should try to shape their students' habits so that they can gradually focus more attention and work harder. Therefore, greater efforts and teacher attention are needed to guide low-achieving students in order to have a good learning motivation.
In addition to some guidance on how to generate motivation to learn above, sometimes the motivation can also be raised in other ways that are negative, such as giving punishment, reprimand and criticism, giving the task a bit heavy and challenging. However, such techniques can only be used in certain cases. Some experts say that by generating motivation in negative ways more harmful to students. For that if it can still be in a positive way, better generating motivation in a negative way is avoided.