Going "Back to School" and Stick(figure)ing to the Basics... Starting Out With Online Courses for Artists and IllustratorssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #illustration7 years ago (edited)

Wow. It's a great deal and it looks really cool. I hope your enjoying it.

Wow...that is commitment. But a bargain for something you love.

By the way...there was a small press comic convention in Bethesda, MD as I was leaving the other day. They were just getting set up. I was pissed I had a flight to catch. I would have liked to have popped in.

I curse my work schedule on a regular basis for keeping me from attending cool events! Too bad it didn't work out for you.
I did take off this Friday & Saturday to go to the Baltimore Comicon! I'll do my best to blog a bit about my experience there!

I still think that being in school is the optimal setting for human happiness. They give you a taste of learning, socialization, and then they kick you out and force you to make money T_T

Cool looking program, whatever it takes to keep you practicing

wow this sound really interesting I think I may have to check it out. I loved art in school and have continued regular drawing my whole life. Im not talented enough to post on here but I do enjoy it. This looks like it would be fun to learn. I wish you all the best of luck on your journey. thanks for the information. worthy of a upvote..

Definitely look into it! It's great to always be learning and feel like you're progressing in something. And of course Udemy offers so much more than art. Skillshare is also a very nice subscription service with tons of content... and of course YouTube even has more free learning than we could get through in a thousand lifetimes!

I'm also eyeing up courses on branding, blogging, social media, and coding... Steem can pique quite an interest in stuff like that!

Yes steem can! I have to pick wisely right now. I was injured and went back to collage and have a full load right now, but really desire to be learning something more enjoyable. I Will check it out and I don't know why I didn't think of looking on you tube now you have me thinking. Thanks again

Sorry to hear about your injury, I hope you're doing well. If it was an impetus to get you in school and on an interesting path, perhaps it was a blessing in disguise!

It's ok my arm has regained most of is strength but I must be cautious I was informed this was a one shot repair due to the type of damage. I have found a sever loss of dexterity and this is my dominant hand, so life has been interesting to say the least. I am not one to give up that is why I am blogging and this drawing sparked my interest it drives me, it will really push me to work hard to get it back. Altho the doctor said It may never be the same again. everybody needs a good challenge. This is what changed things for me and why I went back to school so as undesirable as it was, it could have been a blessing in disguise.