Trump's Indictment Has Probably Guaranteed Him the Presidency. Will the Blue States Stand For This?
So, "they" have turned an accounting error into a felony trial conviction. Using much shenanigans. And this was obvious from the beginning, to anyone who had their eyes open.
But, what is bewildering, is that the left are all "Yay, we got Trump". And the right is like, "We vote for an outlaw, yeah!" And the left is bewildered by the right's response.
The left were so set on the idea that, if they imprison Trump, he can't be president. Bewildering.
What is worse is that the left has no idea that the shenanigans could be used on them. Bewildering.
The right still thinks that Trump will restore America, and they have no idea what that will mean/imply.
And really, this is a war against the deep state. Is Trump being used by the White Hats to take them down??
It is all very confusing, and the conspiracies run deep.
What would Trump do if he is actually president?
If everything stays the same, like, Washington DC is still there and stuff, then probably the first thing Trump would do is to broker peace between U-crane (the money laundering capital of the deep state) and Russia.
This probably won't go as anyone expects. Russia will not be asked to give up anything it took over, and may actually get more land. And then other countries would take a bit out of U-crane. And what is left, may not be able to be considered a country. More like a no-mans zone between other countries.
After that, Trump will probably start on the border wall. And get tied up in congress. Even though we will probably have a predominantly Repulsivekin congress, they still won't be able to pass anything.
And every entity in DC tries to stonewall anything Trump does.
However, this scenario will probably not happen.
The Deep State Goes Ballistic
I believe the deep state will try to assassinate Trump now that the legal method didn't work as expected.
After that, there will be lots of "peaceful" but fiery, like the fires of hell, protests and riots and sabotage by foreign invaders. There will be many more releases of information, from whistleblowers and lawsuits and Freedom of information act. And much upset will ensue.
The govern-cements #1 goal is to maintain power, and they are losing it. Just look, people are openly discussing flat-earth on social media! And they consider "conspiracy theories" as conspiracy facts. The MSM's approval rating is in the toilet. The new generations has completely forgotten the MSM even exist. Their control over the narrative is failing.
So, what they give you is tons of fear, and then offer to save you from the fear that they created.
As a minimum, they will try to stop the elections from happening. Cause the fear, then say the voters are too afraid to go to the polls, so we should postpone "temporarily" (nothing as temporary as a temporary govern-cement program) the election.
So, i expect chaos and pandemonium.
When Trump gets elected
I expect more than gnashing of teeth if Trump does get elected. The blue cities will resent it so strongly that they may choose to leave the union. Seattle leading the way. Of course, the eastern have of Washington will not want to go with them, and there may be a lot of fighting over that. With blue helmets, on the streets in Seattle and Portland.
New York city will probably be so against Trump that they will ban him from entry. Really, an American city banning the president of The US from entry? Of course, this means that more business people will leave NY.
And the dumbocraps will be so enraged that they may actually start the civil war. And so, we will have burning places all over. Probably the first casualty will be business owned by repulsivekins. Or, in other words, they will burn their own cities to the ground. Then they will try to sweep out into middle America, and probably get stopped by the rocky mountains, if the small towns just don't finish them off.
Or, in other words, Trump getting elected may, officially, set of AmRev2.0
And, if Trump is actually working with the White Hats, everyone in DC gets arrest, and Trump moves the capital west.
Trump won't have to worry about the border wall, because all the illegals will be sent running, once the leftists start the actual kinetic war.
What a weird thing to happen from an election! Remember when the elections seemed fair, and who was in charge just seemed to pass back and forth every 8 years? And the worst was, "We'll get you next time"?
Anyway, The US is dead. Empires end.
I do not know what the left + deep state thought they would get out of putting ex-President Trump on trial (for things that Hitlery and Obomba did more). Did they just think that MAGA would close up shop and go home?
Where they just throwing things at the wall hoping something would stick?
Trump was noted as saying, "I just need one more indictment", so was Trump playing them this whole time? (Playing us the whole time??)
Anyway, as empires die, those in charge start doing crazy, and even more insane stuff, trying to keep power.
As we are entering into Aquarius and the energy continues to shift, the old institutions will continue to collapse. It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. And what is really left to discover, is how.
All the old stuff is crumbling, and Trump may just be a bull in a china shop. A sign of the times, and agent of Aquarius clearing the way for the new energy. Not really "our savior", but just doing what Trump does. Or, this may be an elaborate operation by a lot of very smart people who have planned to take down the deep state and their paedo rings.
Most of us will just be here watching. Unless you have a firm target and know who the bad guys are, don't get involved.
Do protect yourself. Do be prepared to stay hunkered down for weeks without getting to a grocery store.
The way I see it, Trump getting elected brings us a giant freakout by the established powers. While he himself may not be completely effective, what he represents is something that the institutions that rule us cannot stand. They will collapse trying to save themselves.