Steemit Crypto Academy | Season 2: Blockchain and Platforms by @alphafx :- Comparison between Ethereum Blockchain Platform and Tron Blockchain Platform

Blockchain networks makes it possible for blockchain to be accessible through various means by different users and just as there are several sectors, so are there several blockchain platforms to solve the problems in these sectors.

Thanks to @alphafx for the interesting class, I must confess that i really enjoyed the class and I was able to learn a lot. After the class, an assignment was given which is to "Give a detailed comparison between two blockchain platforms of your choice"


Tron Blockchain Network.

Tron in itself is a beautiful decentralized platform that is developed to establish a decentralized platform where digital contents will be distributed and stored. Tron was founded by an organization that is not concerned about profit which was called the Tron foundation, this foundation is headed by Justin Sun as the CEO.

The Tron blockchain network works with completely getting rid of the presence of a middle man, it operates a p2p system where individuals can easily transact without the presence of a middle man, and the presence of this makes it possible for cost to be reduced for both the consumer and the producer.
The presence of middlemen on centralized blockchain is often the reason behind most of the escalated prices on a lot of platforms because it is usually the middle men who earn the most but when those middle men are removed from the equation, it is easy for transactions to be concluded from one party to the other without the need of an escalated price.

Content creators can receive funds through TRX token, this coins will directly be paid to the account of those producing the content and it will not at all go through the account of any individual or company acting as a middle man. Investments can be done using TRX also, making it extremely possible for users to have financial gains whenever there is an increased market pump.

Ethereum blockchain network.

Ethereum is very popular blockchain network that is common to every blockchain user, ethereum offers a completely transparent method of transaction to every of its users which makes it impossible for transactions to be altered by either an individual or an organization.

Ethereum paves way for an intelligent transactional method of carrying out operation, the transactional fees are extremely limited and although Ethereum does not directly operate on a p2p transactional method, it depends on Kademlia for its p2p transactions.

Ethereum Blockchain Vs Tron Blockchain Network

Concensus MechanismProof of WorkDelegated Proof of Stake
Transaction FeeHigh Gas FeeFree transaction fee/low transaction fees


Structural presentation1.5adequately presented
Adherence to instruction1all rules followed
Quality of content2.5Nice work! Satisfactory content
Originality1.5post is not plagiarized, nice job!
TOTAL6.5well done.

Thanks for participating

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 67730.39
ETH 3820.69
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.55